Brooklawn Councilman Tom MacAdams Resigns After 17 of Service
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
“This is a bittersweet night when we are allowing someone to leave the governing body who has contributed so much to the community,” said Brooklawn Mayor John Soubasis, as he accepted the resignation of Councilman Tom MacAdams.
MacAdams retired during last week’s Borough Council meeting, after serving for 17
years, due to severe health issues as the result of an accident.
MacAdams accepted a Special Proclamation from the mayor, saying how much the words meant to him.
He thanked Mayor and Council, School Board members, volunteer firemen, EMS members and Borough employees for all their assistance and good work during his terms on Council.
The MacAdams family was chosen as Family of the Year a few years ago.
Wife, Dee, and children, Erin and Colin, were in attendance. Another son, Shane, could not be there.
“These people have done more than anyone we know for the community. We owe you more than just this piece of paper,” Mayor Soubasis said. “You have an extraordinary love for Brooklawn and its residents, and contributed much too many community and civic projects.”
Former Council member Mike Mevoli was selected by the Democratic Committee to replace MacAdams for the remainder of his term, and was sworn into office during the meeting.
Mevoli was sworn in by Camden County Freeholder Director Louis Capelli, as wife, Mary, and grandson, Benjamin Klepka, held the Bible for the ceremony.
In other business, a bond ordinance for painting the water tower in the amount of $500,000 was introduced on first reading.
Council approved a resolution authorizing the Brooklawn Municipal Alliance, and also received EMS applications from Richard Cooper, Jason Tessing, Amy Canning, M. Jane Barcklow and Leah Barcklow.