Brooklawn Fire Dept. to Celebrate 100th Anniversary in 2011
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
By Sally Martino
NEWS Correspondent
Brooklawn Council President Theresa Branella conducted last week’s meeting in the absence of Mayor John Soubasis.
Council heard a presentation from Fire Code Inspector Carl Thomas regarding a new rapid key entry box system that will be available for installation at the school, community center and local businesses for the cost of the box.
A lockbox with the entry key would be placed near the front entrance or another convenient place that would allow easy access to a burning building by the emergency personnel.
“This system will make it easier and faster for firemen to enter a building, especially if there is a fire in the middle of the night, and may eliminate broken doors and windows to allow access,” Thomas said.
The keys to the boxes, with serial numbers for Brooklawn only, would be held by the Fire Department, and also kept in a Borough safe. The keys can be used to re-set the building’s alarm system.
Council amended the Fire Prevention Code ordinance on first reading that will allow
Fire Chief Sam Cilurso said the Brooklawn Fire Department will hold an Open House and Parade on June 18, 2011, to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Fire Department.
Branella inquired about the date for Public Safety Night. Cilurso said it will be on October 15, 2010.
Councilman Michael Mevoli was approved to accept the committee spots formerly held by Tom Mac-Adams, who had resigned his seat on council due to health reasons.
Mevoli also thanked the Fire Department for doing an excellent job during a fire that occurred on his street recently about 4 a.m.
Council also approved a bond ordinance for painting the water tower and, will go out for bids.
No comments were made during the public hearing for the ordinance.
Council must still decide if the tower will be restored and painted, and/or if a maintenance program will be necessary.
Councilman Gerald “Skip” Granstrom commented on the waterfront area, saying how nice it looks. Borough Clerk Barbara Lewis said it did look very nice, and there are more improvements to be completed.