Breaking News: “SHARK” Alleges Prominent Business Leader Abused Animals; Group Plans Demonstration in Gloucester City
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
NEWS RELEASE June 29, 2010 Related: Holt's Response to Allegation
GROUP TO ATTEND HOLT FUNDED FIREWORKS DISPLAY THIS SATURDAY IN GLOUCESTER CITY, NJLeo Holt leads a double life. On one side he is President of Holt Logistics, a major
shipping company with terminals in Gloucester City, NJ and Philadelphia, PA, but the other side of him is much darker and cruel: He is President of the Philadelphia Gun Club in Bensalem Township, where every year tens of thousands of innocent pigeons are brutally, and mercilessly slaughtered.
While the act of pigeon shooting in itself is abhorrent, it was what SHARK (Showing
Animals Respect and Kindness) videotaped Leo Holt doing after one pigeon shoot at the Club that is so beyond the pale, so completely vicious, that if we had not captured it on
videotape, it would be considered unbelievable.
In the video, Holt is seen just beyond the fenced border of the Gun Club, picking up wounded and crippled birds. Holt grabs a number of birds with his bare hands and swings them by their neck - an attempt to break it and kill them. But it all goes horribly wrong, for the birds survive this torture nearly every time he tries it. In one case, he seems to be so frustrated by his lack of ability to kill one bird by snapping her neck that it appears he crushes her head in his hands.
There are also two dogs with Holt, each of whom lashes out at still living birds, creating a macabre scene of animal upon animal violence with the birds, already suffering from shotgun wounds, desperately flapping their wings futilely as they are being torn apart.
Watch the video here:
“We’ve documented many pigeon shoots,” states Steve Hindi, President of SHARK, “but this stands out as being one of the most heinous and revolting acts we have seen. Holt’s incompetence in trying to kill the birds by breaking their necks only causes more horrifying suffering, and that he allows his dogs to treat these beautiful, living animals as if they were toys is just completely unconscionable.”
Holt is a prominent voice in the pro-dredging movement for the Delaware River, and was recently a member of the Board of Directors for the NRA. He is a major donor to politicians and political parties in PA and NJ.
SHARK intends to pursue animal cruelty charges against Holt for the extraordinary cruelty he inflicted upon the birds.
• Leo Holt, through his company, has donated $15,000 to Gloucester City (where his company is located) to pay for a Independence Day fireworks display. Mr. Holt may be attending, and so SHARK will be there as well, handing out flyersand DVD’s to show what Holt has done. We will also be playing the video live for people to see.
Date: July 3, 2010 7:00 PM
Location: Gloucester City Jr-Sr High School
1300 Market Street
Gloucester City, NJ 08030