NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Philly: Dozens of City and community-based organizations joined Mayor Nutter to celebrate the merger of the Department of Parks and Recreation
Letters: The American Flag Code

Mt. Ephraim Public Schools 4th Period Honor Roll

June 24, 2010 Press Release:


Helen Barrett, Emily Calhoun, Jade Carson, Cassidy Chambers, Jessica Chambers, Mark Colavito, Maryellen Crain, Alison Guldin, Amy Guldin, congras Julie Johnson, Brandon Lanchang, Alyssa Marszalek, Victoria Milano, Lindsay Musselman, Joshua Pizzillo, Mackenzie Rapa-Slover, Nicholas Salamone, Casey Spadea


Gregory Aquilino, Michael Arechavala, Joshua Beck, Ariana Beebe, Christopher Blaylock, Courtney Bocchicchio, Gabrielle Bocchicchio, Mya Bocchicchio, Matthew Bonamassa, Josiah Bracey, Hailey Burns, Kenzie Calhoun, Gabrielle Campise, Tyler Capner, Taylor Cobert, Samuel Czerski, Emily DiPadova, Gabrielle Crain, Anthony Cristino, David Critch, James Danielwicz, Heather DiPopolo, Angel Dougherty, Holly Fitzgerald, Alyssa Fitzpatrick, Scott Fitzpatrick, Michael Gaglianone, Kasey Gardner, Taylor Gavin, Tiffany Gavin, Lori Gurganus, Brianna Hamilton, Kirsten Hoffman, Kelsey Immendorf, Christine Kirk, Jordan Klingner, Valerie LaMarra, Elijah Lapp, Ivahna Levine, Matthew Marszalek, Matthew Massey, Emily Massi, Trent Maxwell, Meghan McDonough, Carlie McErlane, Samantha McErlane, Alison McHugh, Drew McMonagle, Amber McNally, Destinee Meeser, Paul Milano, Thien Nguyen, Leyla Ozer, Sevda Ozer, Zachary Pacetti, Cole Panek, Andrew Price, Jackson Price, Natalie Price, Austin Rampolla, Colin Rapa-Slover, Hailey Reed, Madison Riek, Andrew Romano, Matthew Sheehan, Gionna Silcox, Michael Snyder, Robert Snyder, Justin Spadea, Matthew Sutton, Alexis Venere, Kelsey Vespe, John West, Kaila White, Louis Wittje, Haley Woodington, Morgan Zielinski


Madison Alexander, Nicholas Alexander, Timothy Alexander, Victoria Alexander, Michele Arechavala, Emma Ball, Jonathan Bell, Gabrielle Bobo, Joseph Bocchicchio, Michael Bocchicchio, Richard Bonczak, Alexis Brassill, Brittany Brown, Gwynivere Castor, Allen Chase, Dominick Cipolone, Claire Czerski, Nevada DeFord, Reagan Dolan, Erica Gilmore, Haley Grady, Maria Granato, Samuel Keating, Samantha Krieg, Laura Lexa, Emily Libetti, Chloe Lynch, Danielle Nicklas, Madison Panek, Harina Patel, Lindsay Scirrotto, Alexis Staib, Logan Stemetzki, Kaitlyn Stokes, Paige Stressman, Danielle Stevenson, Georgana Stewart, Isabella Valdes, Gregory Veach, Krystal Wineland, Samantha Wurtz


Appointments will begin the second week of July

Registrations will be scheduled on Wednesday’s

Please call 931-7807 ext. 201 for an appointment to register at Mary Bray School or High School students with Mrs. Corbett.

931-1634 ext. 100 for an appointment to register at Kershaw School with Mrs. Guldin

All paperwork must be in order to register.
3 proofs of residency, driver’s license, child’s birth certificate, proof of immunization, transfer card and report card are needed to register your student.
