NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Walter John Zdon Sr., formerly of Gloucester Heights, Served in US Army and MD National Guard
June 23 HUNTING AND FISHING NEWS: Attention Bow Hunters!

Mayors March on Trenton in Support of Gov.’s 2.5 Reform Agenda

The Great Seal of the State of New Jersey.

Image via Wikipedia

Trenton, NJ – Today, dozens of mayors from across New Jersey assembled in the State Capital to call on the state legislature to take immediate action this legislative session on the Christie Cap 2.5 Reform Agenda.  The mayors joined Governor Chris Christie and Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno to stand up and emphasize their support for the Governor’s Cap 2.5 Reform Agenda to deliver real, long-term and permanent property tax relief as a constitutional amendment.

“The broad support from leaders across political parties, in urban and suburban towns and across every part of the state for Cap 2.5 clearly shows that property tax reform is not a partisan issue,” said Governor Chris Christie.  “The reform I’m proposing takes the power from politicians in Trenton and puts in back in the hands of the people and their local leadership.  It is a comprehensive and permanent solution that the legislature must act now to give the people of New Jersey the opportunity to vote on.”

210 mayors from every corner of the state and across political parties have endorsed the Christie Reform Agenda.  A full list can be viewed on the Governor’s Cap 2.5 Reform Agenda Website.

“Trenton has failed to control property taxes in New Jersey, plain and simple.  The numbers speak for themselves: a 70 percent increase in property taxes over the last decade and local spending that has risen by 68 percent over the same period,” said Franklin Township Mayor Brian Levine.  “The status quo in Trenton has shown itself unwilling or unable to deliver a solution that gets at underlying issues of cost-control.  Mayors refuse to wait any longer for half-steps and incomplete solutions.  We are calling on the legislature to pass the Cap 2.5 constitutional amendment and Christie Reform Agenda in this legislative session.”

A hard 2.5 percent cap on increases in the property tax levy in the form of a constitutional amendment would provide New Jerseyans stability in their property taxes from year-to-year that is not subject to change without the voters' approval and can't be waived at the whim of future governors or legislatures. 

This week, the Office of the Governor launched a new online database that calculates the effect of a 2.5 percent property tax cap for every municipality in the state over the last 10 years, allowing New Jerseyans to see for themselves the savings for the average taxpayer in every New Jersey municipality over the past decade under Cap 2.5.

Legislative committee approval for the Cap 2.5 constitutional amendment is needed before the first week of July in order to meet the deadline for the bill to be moved to the floor and approved for placement on the ballot and consideration by the voters in November. Hundreds of mayors have joined Governor Christie in urging the Assembly and Senate leadership and legislators of both parties to work with him in putting this critical government reform before the voters for approval this November.

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