NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Breaking News: “SHARK” Alleges Prominent Business Leader Abused Animals; Group Plans Demonstration in Gloucester City

Guest Commentary: Port Facility Operator Leo Holt Responds to Attack by “SHARK” received a press release from the animal rights group SHARK, (Showing Animals Respect and Kindness) of Geneva, Il. announcing a demonstration at the 6a00d8341bf7d953ef011571114c5a970c-800wi Gloucester City’s firework display sponsored by Holt on Saturday. Because of the City’s budget problems Holt donated $15,000 to pay for the display. The SHARK press release says Leo Holt and the Philadelphia gun club he belongs to abuses animals (namely pigeons). Because Holt may be in attendance at the fireworks, SHARK representatives will be on hand to give out flyers and DVD videos. Upon receipt of the  news release contacted Holt for his response which is below. ~Bill Cleary

By Leo Holt

GLOUCESTER CITY NJ-(June 29, 2010) While members of “animal S_leoholt welfare” organizations, such as the SPCA, will be in the audience enjoying the Gloucester City Fireworks display this Fourth of July, members of an Illinois-based “animal rights” group, known as “SHARK,’ have vowed to be on the fringes, from where they plan to disrupt the display.

Photo Leo Holt, president of Holt Logistics

The difference between animal welfare organizations and animal rights organizations is that the latter considers

animals to have equal rights to humans, and demands that they be treated as such. SHARK’s principle partner, The Humane Society of the United States, has for years pursued an agenda to eliminate the use of animals for food, clothing, hunting, and medical research. The lengths that these self righteous fanatic few are willing to go to have resulted in their indictment in many jurisdictions. They are willing to trespass, lie and perjure themselves to achieve their goals.

Now, they threaten to come to our Community and disrupt our celebration of the Nation’s Birthday. We encourage all citizens of Gloucester City to recognize these people for what they are – the lunatic fringe – and ignore them.

Most recently, a federal judge in Washington, D.C. ruled that the HSUS had paid a plaintiff to perjure himself in a lawsuit against the Ringling Brothers circus, which falsely alleged animal cruelty in the treatment of elephants. This suit – which dragged on for years and cost taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars – can be reviewed at and never forget, less than 10% of the so-called Humane Society of the US annual budget goes to directly help animals. Much more of it of it is spent on themselves and their fund raising machine. They take advantage of anyone with a sympathetic ear and use their savings for their own ends.

On July 4, 2002 Gloucester City’s extended family experience a horrible tragedy, a human tragedy that galvanized the community and brought many thousands of people together. It has been my family’s privilege to be a part of this larger family for close to fifty years. Gloucester is a family community that works. These tactics to disrupt and dishonor the event to pursue his smear campaign will have little effect on the pride of the community, because such tactics are beneath our dignity. Steve Hindi is welcome to come to join us at any celebration he likes with the intention of honoring the ideals of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. He will find a warm welcome and fine company. It will be one of the best Independence Day celebrations in New Jersey in one of New Jersey’s best communities. But if SHARK is here to disrupt our lives, we ask that they take their message of aggression back to Illinois.

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