Letters: Good Luck Linda, Enjoy Retirement
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Good luck to Linda Ennis as she goes to Florida to enjoy a well-deserved retirement.
It was so nice to see the picture of Linda and her friend in your paper and to read the story about some of the fine things that Linda did over the years.
As the writer said, there were too many to list, but I would like to add some.
When I worked at our Gloucester City library, Linda was a leading volunteer. Nothing was too much trouble for her, and aside from answering every call for help with children’s programs, Linda often suggested things she could do to add to the fun.
She was always in attendance with her children, and added so much enthusiasm to our special events. And all of that was in addition to the city-wide events she assisted.
I’ll always remember Linda’s happy help, and wish her well as she moves on.
Dorothy Stanaitis