NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

June 23 HUNTING AND FISHING NEWS: Attention Bow Hunters!
Terrence J. Stranahan, of Gloucester City Succumbs at age 62

Gloucester Catholic baseball is Team of the Year -

Sunday, June 20, 2010
By Scott Chappelear

A high school baseball team isn't supposed to be able to overcome injuries and win a state 6a00d8341bf7d953ef0120a5e4a028970b-120wi championship with five sophomores regularly in the lineup, only one senior on the field most days and a freshman as the No. 2 pitcher and playoff closer unless that team is Gloucester Catholic.But those youngsters rose to the challenge and combined with the returning veterans to create a 24-7 squad that edged Washington Township and won the Grand Slam Classic, reached the Diamond Classic semifinal and finally won a 14th state crown. Those achievements helped make Gloucester Catholic the Gloucester County Times Baseball Team of the Year.

