Four Pa. Firefighters Injured in Industrial Blaze |
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
read via www.firehouse.comMILTON, Pa. -- Four firefighters and one fire police officer were taken by ambulance
yesterday morning from the scene of an industrial building fire at 250 Mahoning St., a blaze that generated clouds of heavy black smoke that could be seen for miles. The nature of the firefighters' injuries or conditions were not available at the scene, but they were transported to area hospitals, emergency officials at the scene said. By 11:30 a.m., the smoke was beginning to clear and firefighters appeared to be gaining control over the blaze. Snorkel trucks were being used to spray water from high positions above the roof into the building. Meanwhile, the heavy black smoke appeared to be clearing a bit just before 11:30 a.m. At 11:45 a.m., emergency officials were calling for crews from several area fire departments to monitor air quality levels in the area of the fire. Initial air quality checks did not indicate any major problems, officials at the scene said.