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Alice Costello School Class of 2010 Commencement


The Commencement exercise for the Alice Costello School Class of 2010 was held on Monday evening, June 14, 2010 at the Alice Costello School. Graduation diplomas were presented to 42 students. This year the students chose the theme “Waiting On The World To Change” for the commencement exercises.

Highlighting the evening was the presentation of awards to outstanding graduates. The Post #72 American Legion Scholarship Awards were presented to JOSHUA DOBBINS and BREANNA SPITZ. JOSHUA and BREANNA also received the PTA Outstanding Scholarship Awards. The PTA Anna Pantella Most Improved Student award was presented to (tie) AUSTIN DARROW AND SMANTHA MICHAEL. MATTHEW DAVIS received the St. Maurice Parish GIFTED GIVER Award; SYDNEY WEICHMANN received the Elizabeth Voll award. The Matthew Kuhn Science award was presented to CHRISTOPHER WALMSLEY. TAYLOR BLACKISTON was the recipient of the George Gallimore Award and CHRISTOPHER WALMSLEY received the Carmen Palmiero Award. The Brooklawn Education Association Courtesy Award was presented to GABRYELLE DOHERTY. The Brooklawn 60+ Club award was presented to LISA MARRON. JOSHUA DOBBINS received awards for highest academic averages in English, Social Studies, Math, Science and Reading. The Dan Stelluto award was presented to DEJA LOPEZ. The Maryann Grant award was presented to (tie) NORA CHCCAGLIONE AND ERIN CRANMER. The Brooklawn Emergency Management services award was presented to ANDREW BOULDEN.

The following students received diplomas at the commencement exercise: Taylor Blackiston , Amanda Boulden, Andrew Boulden, Aileen Brophy, Tyler Chiro, Nora Ciccaglione, Andrew Collins, Erin Cranmer, Austin Darrow, Matthew Davis, Michael Davis, Joshua Dobbins, Gabryelle Doherty, Brandon Ehnbom, Taylor Farrow, Amber Gundle, Alexandrea Hauckes, Milagros Hernandez, Elizabeth Kontos, Gabrielle Landis, Ashley Lewis, Samantha Lindsay, Deja Lopez, Lisa Marron, Samantha Michael, James Perdikouris, Eric Postus, Edward Powell, Layla Rivera, Bradley Ruggles, Todd Shaw, Tatiayna Smith, Breanna Spitz, Kyle Stone, Dylan Strom, Brandon Tinney, Christopher Walmsley, Sydney Weichmann, Zachary Wickersham, Tori Wunsch, Shannon Yockle, Jason Zold.

The commencement exercise began with the traditional processional “Pomp and Circumstance”. The Invocation was delivered by Pastor Dan Amey of the Brooklawn United Methodist Church.

The flag salute was then lead by Ashley Lewis. A speech of welcome was delivered by Gabryelle Doherty. Under the direction of Mrs. Eleanor Bracey, the class performed the song “Waiting On The World To Change”. An Instrumental piece was performed by Joshua Dobbins, Sydney Weichmann, Bradley Ruggles and Gabryelle Doherty. The Theme “Imagine” was delivered by Joshua Dobbins. A special presentation was made by Taylor Blackiston.

Remarks to the class of 42 were made by Board of Education President, Mr. Bruce Darrow. Conferring of Diplomas was done by Mr. James Cordery; Mrs. Tracey Farrow and Mr. Bruce Darrow.

A presentation video of the class of 2010 - from their infancy thru 8th grade dinner dance was viewed and enjoyed by all. A poem was read by Sydney Weichmann The Benediction was then delivered by Pastor Dan Amey of the Brooklawn United Methodist Church. Our farewell speech was given by Breanna Spitz. A presentation of flowers by the graduates to their parents/guardians then took place.

Ushers & Usherettes were Rayanne Castagna, Devin Champagne, Makenzi Cooper, Kylee Hirst , Shane Kenney, Miranda Labbree, Trey Thomson

Special thanks to Mr. Jim Cordery & Mrs. Kathy Golden, Mr. Ryan Kincaid, Mr. Chris Holland, Mr. Charlie Tourtual, Mr. Tom Keebler, Mrs. Denise Boulden, Mrs. Ellen Boulden, Ms. Pat Graff, Mrs. Eleanor Bracey and the 8th Grade Room Parents.
