NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Breaking News: Well Known Baseball Coach Killed in Traffic Accident
Tips and Snippets: FMBA Members Stomp the Street to Tell Their Story



The City of Gloucester City is the proud owner of a snow cone bike purchased recently for $150 by Councilman Nick Marchese. As for the naysayers who are complaining it was a waste of money, Marchese writes,

“I purchased the bike at a yard sale in Cypress Gardens for a $150. I wanted to use the bike to earn money for our Celebrations Committee.  We had Public Works, “Spags” clean up the bike and paint it and at the last minute Jack Hughes agreed to ride it in the Memorial Day parade.  The great part was that Brain Freeze from Brooklawn who recently purchased the hot dog cart at the marina agreed to donate water ice, sell it out of our bike, and we donated the money made to the VFW and the American Legion.  There were some who were naysayers about purchasing the bike saying what you will do with this bike.  Since then we found out the bike could be worth more than $1,500. 

We will use the bike at various events throughout the year to earn money to save tax dollars on celebration events.  I thank the people for selling the City the bike at a reasonable price.  Sometimes even when people think things are a bad idea, they turn out better than you thought, as long as you’re willing to take a chance.”

PHOTO: Jack Hughes and Gloucester City Mayor Bill James at Proprietors Park, King Street and the Delaware River, on Memorial Day.

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