NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

A Message from Mayor Carolyn Kirk, Inside the city budget numbers
Barbara A. Brandt, of Gloucester City, GCHS Alumni Class of 1958

Tasty Baking Company's New Location at the Navy Yard

God's gift to Pennsylvanians: The Peanut Butte...Image by sarahbest via Flickr

Philadelphia:  Tasty Baking Company is in the process of relocating its Philadelphia operations to facilities at The Navy Yard, a commercial and industrial development center in Philadelphia. The Navy Yard will be home to a newly constructed, state-of-the-art Tastykake bakery and a “green” corporate headquarters, representing a milestone in the company’s history.

Corporate Office

The HQ move has happened! The finishing touches for the building and workspaces came together smoothly. Paint, carpet, lighting fixtures, entryway tile, furniture, and the marathon pack-up were all done earlier last month. The office staff is now working away in their new space.


Things are getting very busy down at the new bakery. The storage racking installation is nearing completion and has filled the raw and packaging material rooms, refrigerated and freezer spaces, as well as the Distribution Center with orange and blue. Power has been connected and other utilities are in progress. The equipment startup testing phase is officially underway, which will be followed by line commissioning. The office spaces are now furnished and ready for TBC to take initial occupancy of the building in October. New production schedules and processes are under development.

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