Gloucester City American Legions Post 135 Installation of Officers for 2011
Friday, May 28, 2010
On May 14, 2010, the Gloucester City American Legion Post 135, held their Installation of Officers for 2011. The Installing officer was Camden County Vice Commander, Tom Adams. Congratulations to out-going Commander Jim Logan and Commander-Elect John Hindsley and his staff.
Top picture; Sgt At Arms "Big Jim" Mcnamee, Commander-Elect John Hindsley, Service Officer Jim Osherhoski, Finance Officer Jim Carr, Adjutant/Sr. Vice Rich Lindsey, and Chaplain Charler Reed. Missing: Judge Advocate Jim Logan, Jr. Vice Jim Rinier, and Historion Harry Blymer.
Bottom: "Big Jim" Mcnamee, John Hindsley, and Jim Osherhoski.