NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Former Municipal Tax Collector in Cumberland County Sentenced to Prison for Stealing $44,000 in Property Tax Payments

Asian Carp Threaten Great Lakes; Corbett presses for immediate response to threat

Bighead carp HARRISBURG - Attorney General Tom Corbett has joined with colleagues from other Great Lakes states, including Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin, in an urgent request that federal officials take "comprehensive and effective action" to address the economic and environmental threat to the Great Lakes that is posed by Asian Carp.

Corbett explained that the states believe the spread of this invasive, non-native species into the Great Lakes could have a major impact on every state surrounding the lakes - devastating native fish populations and potentially destroying the fishing and tourism industries of the entire region.  Additional information about the threat posed by Asian Carp, along with the multi-state effort to address this issue, is available at

Corbett said that on May 19, 2010, the states joined in a letter urging the United States Army Corp of Engineers (USACE), along with other federal and state agencies, to take immediate and comprehensive steps to prevent Asian Carp from entering the Great Lakes through the Chicago Area Waterway System.  Noting that some evidence shows that Asian Carp have already moved beyond barrier systems in the Chicago area, the states are requesting specific information about what steps are being taken - as well as details about what is not being done, along with an explanation about why every available method is not currently being used to address this dire threat.
"I am committed to working together with my fellow Attorneys General to protect the ecology and economy of our region," Corbett said.  "Any further delays in responding to this potential disaster are totally unacceptable."

Corbett explained that the Office of Attorney General is representing Pennsylvania's interests in the Asian Carp case because it is directly linked to legal actions dating to the early 1900's regarding the waters of the Great Lakes, including a 1967 decree by the U.S. Supreme Court. The Attorney General's Office represented the Commonwealth's interests in those original cases and has been involved in reviewing related legal matters since that time.

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