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REQUESTING FBI RECORDS Making the Process Easier


FOIA files

How can you get copies of FBI records on people, groups, and closed cases?

For years, we’ve been steadily adding these files to our Freedom of Information/Privacy Act (FOI/PA) website so you can access them with a click of a mouse. But some records are not available online and require you to make a formal request to the FBI.

This request process has just gotten easier, thanks to a new electronic form and revamped website that we are unveiling today.

The new eFOIA form—as we call it—works like this:

  • Type your information straight into the form, hit “submit,” and your request will be sent to us automatically.

  • Or type in your information, print out the form, and mail or fax us a copy. You can also print and scan the completed form and e-mail it to us at [email protected].

Please note! You cannot use the eFOIA form to request records about yourself or another living person (who has given you permission). These requests fall under another law, the Privacy Act. Instead, use the U.S. Department of Justice Certification of Identity Form DOJ-361 or send a notarized letter identifying yourself. The 361 form is not automated; it must be printed and sent to us.

Other new features of the website include:

         A Guide to Conducting Research in FBI Records

A Guide to 
Conducting Research in FBI Records cover

The sections include:

  • FBI Records Overview
  • Access to FBI Records and Other Records
  • Brief Descriptions of Major Collections of FBI Records
  • Other Significant FBI-Related Collections
  • Enhanced by Zemanta
