Support Our Troops-Help Us Send Some Love
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
America is a beautiful country. Freedom is in the air that we breathe. We can sing and dance whenever we feel like celebrating, we can live in a house, an apartment or a tent, we can go to school and learn about whatever interests us, we can get married, have children or stay single, we can express ourselves in our beliefs, and this list goes on and on.
We can do all of this because of the men and women who have bravely served this country. They have signed up to defend our way of life. Our troops and veterans have put their lives on the line so we can breathe that freedom. Knowing that the sacrifices of being in the military can be great they still volunteered. While we are living our day to day life; hustling to get to work or school, running around taking the kids from here to there, standing in lines at stores, complaining about all of the snow that fell on us recently, enjoying the Olympics on television each night and lets not forget American Idol, and all of the other things we do every day, we have men and women deployed to places that do not have any of this. No flushing toilets, no warm baths, no grocery stores, no time clock to punch at the end of a long day, and most of all…no one to kiss goodnight. They do not ask for our sympathy, they do not even ask for our thanks, but we feel that “Thanks” is the least we can do. After all, we are breathing that air called “freedom” because of them.
The Yellow Ribbon Club is asking for items to put in care packages for the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. We are shipping weekly and up until now, have been very busy. Since January 1, 2010 we have shipped 74 large boxes to the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. This puts our total count in four and a half years just over 3500 boxes. We shipped the last of our supplies out today.
Please visit our website for a list of what we have been shipping. While visiting our website click on “thanks from the troops,” and you will see for yourself how much one package does for a Soldier, Airman, Marine or Sailor. You can also see our drop off locations on the site, which includes directions to each site. Thank you for your assistance.
For The Troops,
Leslie Drummond, President & Founder
The Yellow Ribbon Club
[email protected]