NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Pet Tip of the Week: Choosing a Dog to Fit Your Lifestyle
NJ DEP Division of Fish and Wildlife NEWS


6a00d8341bf7d953ef011570df48d6970c-800wi The New Jersey Outdoor Alliance has been at the forefront of detailing how the animal extremists support those that use eco-terrorism, threats and intimidation to coerce state and local governments to eliminate fishing and hunting as a means of good public policy for environmental stewardship and as a means to feed oneself and their family. 

Now, PETA and the New Jersey Animal Rights Alliance, organizations identified in a Department of Homeland Security report as supporting those who commit acts of eco-terrorism, are attempting to intimidate the people who are doing the right thing by protecting the health of our forests by means of culling deer. 

Whether you are a bow hunter or a "muzzy" hunter, whether you are an angler or simply support acts of conservation - we all have a vested interest in the outcome of a successful culling at Garret Mountain. 

The following people voted in favor of conservation and the deer culling. They understand the

principles of conservation and have made a sound decision to save the environment. As a result the animal extremists are harassing them and bullying them to make sure that they are punished, and to send a message to all counties throughout New Jersey not to allow deer culling. 

There will be more information coming out about what we can do to make a difference and support those who support good game management practices.
In the mean time, please email (or call) the following people. They need our support for making the decision to allow hunting for the deer cull at Garret Mountain, especially Mayor Pat Lepore. Let's stop the madness. (A sample letter follows)
1. Mayor Pat Lepore - 973-881-4536 [email protected]
2. Freeholder Terry Duffy - 973-881-4537 [email protected] 3. Freeholder Bruce James - 973-881-7896 [email protected]
4. Freeholder Greyson Hannigan 973-225-5427 [email protected]
5. Woodland Park Council Members: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] 

Dear               ,
I appreciate that you have knowledge of the need to keep our forests healthy for all of the animals that depend on it for food and cover. The deer culling at Garrett Mountain is good public policy and an act of environmental stewardship. It is also a means for people to feed their families a wholesome and unadulterated source of protein, something not readily available in the meat departments of local food markets.
Please understand that it is only a vocal minority that disagrees with your decision. There are 650,000 anglers and hunters in New Jersey, and many, many more that understand the science of conservation, each of us support your decision to implement a deer culling.

New jersey Outdoor Alliance - "We've got your back"


Anthony P. Mauro, Sr


New Jersey Outdoor Alliance

New Jersey Outdoor Alliance Conservation Foundation

New Jersey Outdoor Alliance Environmental Projects      

"We've got your back!"


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