NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Welcome Back From Iraq, Air Force Chief Arthur Curran
Photos from Corporal Milito's Funeral courtesy of the DRPA


Mt. Ephraim Public Schools

January 20, 2010

Board of Education Notice

MT. EPHRAIM PUBLIC SCHOOLS -A vacancy currently exists on the Mt. Ephraim Board of Education due to the resignation of Darlene Alexander. The term of this position will end in April 2010.

By law, a Board of Education Member:

Must be a current and qualified registered voter, and

Must be able to read and write, and

Must have been a resident of Mt. Ephraim for at least one year, and

Must have no interest in any contract with the Board of Education, and

Cannot currently hold office as a member of the Mt. Ephraim governing body.

Residents meeting that criteria who wish to apply for consideration to fill the vacancy should submit a letter of interest and personal resume to: Mr. Joseph Rafferty, R. W. Kershaw School,

125 S. Black Horse Pike, Mt. Ephraim, NJ 08059.

The deadline to apply is February 5, 2010.


Dolson Family Catering

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