Letter: The Highway Department Did A Terrible Job Removing Snow
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
I am writing in regards to the snow this last couple of weeks. I know that we do not pay the highest taxes, but I believe our Public Works people do make decent money.
After the first snowstorm of more than two feet, Monmouth Street -- which happens to be one of the main roads out of Gloucester City -- was horrible with so many ruts. I went partially sideways due to them. Barely missing not one but two cars front and back if I had slid just ever so little more even going slow little more than 1-2 miles per hour. Where was our Street Department?
On January 8 there was very little snow and yet again Monmouth Street was nothing but ice most of the way from King Street to Johnson Boulevard. Even if I used Market Street, which I think the county takes care of, I still have to use Monmouth for two blocks to Broadway. Where was our Street Department this time?
Actually, they were sitting at the end of Monmouth by Johnson Blvd, facing the wrong way. I was behind a car that went into the curb due to the ice on Johnson Blvd.
The car went to the right and I went to the left. I was going slow, and was at least two car lengths behind. This was around 8 a.m. Why can't the Street Department start earlier on days like this. My opinion is that streets should be cleared by 8 a.m., especially on a work day. I know we do not want overtime for budget reasons. So, the workers get done earlier on a day that is not so weather-related.
What's going to happen after the next snowstorm? Who's going to help should I have an accident due to ice or ruts? Do we give fines to the Street Department for not clearing the roads in a timely manner like our citizens are getting fines? I know that's a little much, but something has got to be done to make travel safer after a snowstorm.
Rose Dobleman, Gloucester City