NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Letter: Captain Paul Apologizes to Children
Brooklawn Council Selects Branella as President

Letter: Councilman Parry Appreciates Support

Thanks to everyone for their support this past year. As chairman of celebrations, along Crop parry with Council people Nick Marchese and Kellie Ferry, I would like to thank Roseann Michel, Vanessa Courant, Jim Logan, Adam Baker, Jim Rauchut, Gwen Herman, Ann Kelm and Bowie Johnson, the businesses, organizations and the citizens of Gloucester City for their help and support in 2009.

Photo: Gloucester City Councilman Bruce Parry

Getting help to organize some of the events was sometimes difficult, but once we got started it was not hard to get help. Organizations whom had coin drops during the year were called for every event, and each time they supported

us. I would like to thank the Lions, Rotary, K of C, Little League, Girls Softball, Lakes Assoc., Adult Basketball, Church of God, Boys Scouts and the American Legion, along with the Democrat Club, Girls Scouts and the students from Gloucester High School. We couldn’t have done it without them.

I would also like to thank the Public Works Dept., the Police Dept. and the Fire Dept. for their many hours of time before, during and after each event, making them all safe and clean for you to enjoy. Like the rest of the committees, celebrations has a budget and it was reduced by 10 percent in 2009. Therefore, some events such as the Christmas celebration were reduced in size. Many businesses and organizations contributed with financial contributions throughout the year that were needed to bring some extras we could not afford. The Christmas celebration was also affected by the weather, eliminating some of the planned activities. The ice and snow also prevented the Fire Dept. from fishing Santa’s tour around the city.

As 2010 starts, we are asking for your help, anybody who would like to help with the celebrations committee, please contact any member of the city council. The first event will be the Little Miss and Mr. in March, followed by the Easter celebration, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Gloucester Day, Veterans Day and Christmas. All events will be marked on the Community Calendar and advertised in the Gloucester City News. Thanks again.

Councilman Bruce Parry, Gloucester City

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