NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Pennsylvania Firefighter Dies Two Weeks After Collapsing
Letter: Councilman Parry Appreciates Support

Letter: Captain Paul Apologizes to Children

6a00d8341bf7d953ef01157153a790970b-200wi On behalf of the Fire Department, I would like to apologize to those areas of Gloucester City that did not get the chance to have Santa come there way. Due to the snow storm, we were unable to transport Santa safely to some areas of the City.

Because of this safety risk, we felt it was in everybody’s best interest to cancel the Saturday and Sunday schedule.

The Fire Department membership is down and it is getting tougher each year to keep this tradition alive. I reached out with Councilman Bruce Parry’s help to other organizations who were very willing to help this cause.

Although weather did not allow us to complete our task this year, I would still like to thank all the organizations who were ready and willing to help keep this tradition alive and they are as follows: Lions Club, Little League, Girls Softball, Mustangs Football, Democrat Club, Mayor and Council, and the PBA.

Captain Shawn Paul, Gloucester City Fire Department


The Gloucester City News Inc.
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