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Gloucester City Council 141st Annual Re-organization Meeting

By Sara Martino

NEWS Correspondent

The 141st Annual Re-organization meeting of Gloucester City Council held January 4 was opened with a salute to the nation’s flag and an invocation by Msgr. James Curran 071307_2158_GloucesterC1_1 of St. Mary Parish.

Mayor William James (photo) presented a plaque to retiring Councilman William Hagan Sr., thanking him for his service to the residents not only as a Councilman but for all his years as an Ambulance Squad member.

A plaque and accolades were also presented to former Public Works Director James “Bowie” Johnson for his excellent dedication to the residents of the City.

Three Council people took their oaths of office.

Dan Spencer Jr., Ward One, was sworn in by County Sheriff Charles “Chuck” Billingham.

“We grew up together, and I am honored to take part in this ceremony,” Billingham said.

Spencer had served as a Councilman in the past, and was sworn in by Francis Gorman in 1984.

Nicholas Marchese Jr., Ward Two, was sworn in by State Senator Steve Sweeney.

“I take this job very seriously,” Marchese said. “We should all get behind this administration for a better tomorrow.

Jay F. Brophy, Ward Three, was also sworn in by Sweeney. Brophy thanked Mr. Hagan and “Bowie” Johnson for their contributions to the City.

Sweeney said, “Gloucester is a working man’s town and I will be available to give any assistance that I can to the residents.”

City Council approved all the appointments for 2010.

Then, Mayor James gave his annual State of the City Address, see link below.

source Gloucester City News

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