NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Letter: Councilman Parry Appreciates Support
Gloucester City Council 141st Annual Re-organization Meeting

Brooklawn Council Selects Branella as President

By Sara Martino

NEWS Correspondent

Theresa Branella and Ryan Giles were installed as re-elected Brooklawn Borough Council members during the reorganization meeting January 4, following the Pledge of Allegiance led by Mayor John Soubasis.

Camden County Freeholder Ian Leonard officiated at the swearing-in ceremony, administrating the oath of office to both council members. Branella was selected by her peers to serve as Council President.

Soubasis thanked the freeholder for his concern for Brooklawn.

“Ian always works in our direction,” he said.

Leonard’s office is at the same location in the Brooklawn Shopping Center that housed former Assemblyman Joseph Roberts.

“It is sad to see Roberts step down. We are like the little train that could. We always got that little push when needed from our elected officials,” the mayor said.

Committee assignments were formalized and meeting dates for 2010 were established. This month’s meeting date was changed to the fourth Monday, January 25, at 6:30 p.m. due to the Martin Luther King holiday.

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