Assembly Passes One-Gun-A-Month Reform Bill
Saturday, January 09, 2010
Thursday, the New Jersey Assembly voted unanimously (73-0-3) to approve S3104/A4361. These bills were drafted in response to recommendations put forth by the Firearms Task Force created after the midnight passage of New Jersey’s gun rationing law. S3104/A4361 now head to the desk of Governor Jon Corzine (D) for his consideration.
While NRA attempted to create a more robust exemption for gun owners, these requests fell upon deaf ears and the bill passed as written without creating changes beneficial to New Jersey’s law-abiding firearm owners as promised by the Firearms Task Force.
Proponents contend this measure would address the problems with New Jersey's "one-gun-a-month" law; however, it falls far short. While it would, in limited circumstances, allow a law-abiding person to purchase multiple handguns, an individual would only be able to do so after filing a formal application with the State Police. In addition, the individual would need to justify their "need" to purchase these firearms together and why it would not be “feasible or practical” to purchase the firearms separately.
Thanks to all of the NRA members who contacted their legislators requesting that they broaden the exemptions to New Jersey’s “one-gun-a-month” law and for continuing the fight against further encroachment of our Second Amendment rights and freedoms in the Garden State.