NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia
« December 2009 |
| February 2010 »
CATEGORY THOUGHT FOR THE DAY by Kent Nerburn Twenty years ago, I drove a cab for a living. One time I arrived in the middle of the night for a pick up at a building that was dark except for a single light in a ground floor window. Under these circumstances, many drivers would just honk once or twice, wait a minute, then drive away. But I had seen too many impoverished people who depended on taxis as their only means of transportation. Unless a situation smelled of danger, I always went to the door. This passenger might be someone who needs my assistance, I reasoned to myself. So I walked to the door and knocked. "Just a minute," answered a frail, elderly voice. I could hear something being dragged across the floor. After a long pause, the door opened. A small woman in her 80's stood before me. She...
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Address: 19th and Washington Philadelphia, Pa Box: 687 Details: Battalion 1 and Deluge 24 reported a 1 story approx 50x75 commercial building with heavy smoke showing, placed all hands in service, fire through the roof transmitted the 2nd alarm, numerous ladder pipes and master streams were used. Two additional engines were requested above the 2nd alarm. Philadelphia Second Alarmers were on scene along with Car 3 and the Fire Marshal Steve Skipton NJ Editor/Photographer
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Category Pet Tips Pet Tip of the Week By Dawn WatsonOur pets are part of our family. But when a beloved pet passes away, either because of old age, illness, or a terrible accident, some folks will not understand that it can be comparable to the pain one feels when a family member dies. I run a support group called New Path that addresses the issues we humans go through when our pets die. It’s a popular class because it’s good to know that there are other people out there that are just as heartbroken as you are when faced with a similar set of circumstances. Euthanasia is one alternative to a pet’s suffering. Some folks feel it’s not an acceptable choice while others feel it’s sometimes the only solution to end suffering. Whatever your feelings are on the topic the end result is the same; you miss Fido or...
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Harrisburg, PA – Calling the Susquehanna River “increasingly impaired,” the board of commissioners of the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) today called on state and federal environmental agencies to expand efforts to determine the sources of pollution which are contributing to the demise of the river’s smallmouth bass fishery. The board’s resolution, passed at its quarterly meeting, urges the state Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to step up their investigations, saying recent data confirms a serious problem exists. Commissioners cited evidence from a two-year water quality study coordinated by the U.S. Geological Survey and partially funded by the PFBC which found stress factors such as elevated water temperature and low dissolved oxygen concentrations during the critical May through July development period for smallmouth bass. The Commission contributed $400,000 to the study in an effort to discover the causes behind the fishery’s decline. Problems...
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On Dec. 29, 2009, of Stratford, age 89yrs. Beloved husband of the late Charlotte (nee Loiret). Survived by daughters Claudette Ford of Nazareth, PA, Arlene Jensen of Glendora, Allison Croge of Bridgeport, 6 grandchildren, 7 great grandchildren. Father of the late Tech Sgt. Richard C. Green. Craig was a US Army WW II Veteran and was a member of Stetser Lamartine American Legion Post # 281 & VFW Post # 7365. He was a former teacher working for the Gloucester City Board of Education. Craig was very active in the Masonic Lodge. He was a Past Master of Collingswood Cloud Lodge #101 F&AM, Crescent Shrine Temple, Excelsior Consistory and The High Twelve. He also served as Worthy Patron with OES Chapter #150 in Collingswood. Craig was also active in his Stratford community serving with the Fire Department, Ambulance Squad, Sewerage Authority, Republican Club, Co-Founder of The Father & Son Association...
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On January 24, 2010. Age 69. Of Gloucester City. Survived by many friends and caregivers in the Manayunk section of Philadelphia and Gloucester City. Edmund proudly served in the U.S. Navy and worked for the Gloucester City Public Works Department. Relatives and friends are kindly invited to attend his viewing on Monday from 11 am to 11:30 am at McCANN-HEALEY FUNERAL HOME: 851 Monmouth Street, (at Brown Street) Gloucester City. Interment with Catholic Prayers and U.S. Navy Honors in Brigadier General William C. Doyle Veterans Cemetery, Arneytown. Expressions of sympathy under online obituaries of Edmund M. Buffington. Funeral Arrangements and Inquiries may be made through: McCANN-HEALEY FUNERAL HOME: 851 Monmouth Street, Gloucester City, NJ 08030. Ph: 856-456-1142
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Riverside, New Jersey Sunday, January 31, 2010 ETA 3:45pm at VFW Post 3020 address, 1125 Fairview St. 08075-3941 Contact: Ann 856-906-3301 Please come out to welcome home Sgt. Craig Pennell from serving one year in Iraq. Craig joined JROTC in his freshman year in high school 1997. He completed 4 years of JROTC ending as 3rd in command of the unit. He joined the Army National Guard at age 16 (with parents signatures). Craig graduated from Riverside High School in 2001. After graduation he went off to boot camp at Ft. Jackson, SC, August 2001. He was in boot camp when the 9/11 attacks occurred. He finished boot camp as a specialist. AIT was completed at Ft Eustis, VA, where he specialized in Apache Helicopter Maintenance. He attached to 1-150th AHB Unit from Mercer County Army National Guard where he started as a helicopter mechanic and advanced to Crew Chief...
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Despite the many challenges facing Gloucester City, and the nation, there's always bright spots, if we just take a minute to recognize them. This photo was taken shortly after the big December snow storm of 2009 at Martins Lake, Johnson Blvd. and Sparks Avenue. photo by Tom Gurick PHOTO GALLEY: THE BIG SNOW STORM
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Brother of the Wolf, LLC, will be holding its first official graduation ceremony for students of the Animal Behavior College and its Apprenticeship Program! The ceremony will take place at 700 Market St in the beautiful City of Gloucester City. The ceremony will take place on Sunday, February 7 at 1:00. Dawn Watson, owner and operator, has been a mentor/trainer for the Animal Behavior College for several years. During that time she has mentored 27 students and has seen many of them open their own dog training practices throughout the state of New Jersey. Awards will be given for achieving Honors Status, for public service, and other significant contributions to the canine world!Related articles by Zemanta New CNB Column "Pet Tips by Dawn Watson" (
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January 26, 2010 HARRISBURG - Attorney General Tom Corbett joined colleagues from several other Great Lakes states in calling for a national discussion concerning the environmental and economic threat posed by Asian Carp. Attorneys General from Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin contacted the White House on Monday, January 25th, formally requesting participation in a proposed state-federal summit to address the Asian Carp crisis. "As chief legal and law enforcement officers for our states, we all serve on the front-lines of a struggle to protect the ecology and economy of our region," Corbett said. "Any discussion about addressing the threat posed by Asian Carp should include the Attorneys General from all concerned states." Corbett said that Pennsylvania has joined with Michigan and other states in a federal lawsuit to close shipping locks near Chicago, in an effort to prevent Asian Carp from entering Lake Michigan. The states have argued that...
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Saturday, January 30, 2010 Time: 5:00 PM Where: 713 West Crystal Lake Ave., Haddonfield, NJ 08033 Contact: Randy (YRC) 609-760-5394 Please come out and welcome home Captain Justin Oliver from his tour in Iraq. He is a Helicopter Pilot and yet another member of the 1-150th Assault Helicopter Battalion in the New Jersey National Guard. Justin has been a professional Soldier for 13 years. Justin graduated from Haddon Township-Paul VI High School in 1994. He and his wife reside in Woodbury with their 10 month old daughter Keira. His wife Danielle and his brother have put together a Christmas Party and have asked us to join them in welcoming him home. WWR will pick him up at their home Woodbury and escort them to His Brothers house in Haddonfield. Please come out and join the Police, Fire Fighters, WWR, YRC and friends to welcome home this Hero. Hope to see...
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- Pittsburgh Tribune-Review By Bob Frye, TRIBUNE-REVIEW Wednesday, January 27, 2010 Pennsylvania Game Commissioners gave preliminary approval to hunting and trapping seasons and bag limits for 2010-11 at their meeting Tuesday in Harrisburg. As usual, it was a change in the always-controversial deer hunting seasons that sparked the most debate. Commissioners raised the number of units in which doe hunting won't start until the first Saturday of the two-week season from four to eight. Units 2D, 2G, 3C and 4B were managed under those guidelines last year and will be again. This year, though, units 2C, 2E, 4D and 4E will join them. In those eight units, hunters will be able to shoot bucks only from Nov. 29 to Dec. 3, then bucks and does from Dec. 4-11. In the rest of the state, hunters will be able to shoot both bucks and does during the full two-week season, which...
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Image via Wikipedia This message contains the following: Liebherr Recalls Built-In Refrigerators Due to Injury Hazard; Door Can Detach Regal Lager Announces Recall to Repair CYBEX Strollers; Risk of Fingertip Amputation and Laceration Hazards Zippo Recalls Candle Lighters Due to Burn Hazard Boy's Three-Piece Santa Sets Recalled by Macy's Due to Choking Hazard, Horse Toy Figures Recalled by Blip Toys Due to Violation of Lead Paint Standard, RadioShack Recalls Knight Hawk Toy Helicopters Due to Fire Hazard, Well Luck Co., Inc., a Jersey City, N.J., establishment, is recalling approximately 50,000 pounds of instant noodle products that were ineligible for import to the U.S., the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service New Jersey Firm Recalls Instant Noodle Products. Starbucks Recalls Glass Water Bottles Due to Laceration Hazard For additional information, contact Starbucks at (877) 492-6333 between 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. ET...
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The Camden County Freeholder Board held its monthly meeting January 21 at the Brooklawn American Legion Hall, in Brooklawn NJ. The topic of discussion was the recently announced plan to privatized the Camden County Jail. Members of the Camden County Jail Correction Officers union, who oppose the plan, along with their supporters were in attendance. Today Gloucester City Mayor William James issued a statement opposing the privatization of the jail. related articles by Zemanta Camden County Mayors Endorse Detention Center Taxpayer Reform Measure ( Andrews Supports Detention Center Taxpayer Reform Plan ( The Private Jail Industry Provides Politicians etc Related Video Captain Nick, "privatize police dept?" Related video Marine Sgt. Grossmick
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Regarding the rumor that I am in favor of the privatization of the Camden County Jail. The Camden County Mayors Association does not and cannot speak for individual Mayors, it can however express support or non-support of issues affecting the County as a whole through a majority of membership vote. The reported vote to support privatization by the Mayors Association does not reflect my opinion as it relates to this matter. It has only been since late November 2009 that I first heard any mention of a plan and since that time, I have received information from both the Camden County Board of Freeholders in support of the privatization and the Correction Officers Union who are opposed to privatization. I have reviewed both arguments and have become enlightened as to the magnitude of this endeavor and the possible implications it could have upon Countywide Public Safety. With a background of...
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CATEGORY THOUGHT FOR THE DAY ONE. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully. TWO. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other THREE. Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want. FOUR. When you say, 'I love you ,' mean it.. FIVE. When you say, 'I'm sorry,' look the person in the eye. SIX. Be engaged at least six months before you get married.. SEVEN. Believe in love at first sight. EIGHT. Never laugh at anyone's dream.. People who don't have dreams don't have much. NINE. Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely. TEN. . In disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling. ELEVEN. Don't judge people by their relatives. TWELVE. Talk slowly but think quickly. THIRTEEN. When...
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By Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Walter Marino Special to American Forces Press Service HELMAND PROVINCE, Afghanistan, Jan. 25, 2010 – Their truck sways from side to side and bumps up and down along a path in Afghanistan. But what would be an intolerable ride for most is just something Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Paul N. Krist, a dog handler for 2nd Combat Engineer Battalion, and his dog, Max, have accepted as part of the job. Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Paul N. Krist enjoys a moment with his bomb-sniffing dog, Max, before beginning a search for homemade explosives in Afghanistan’s Helmand province, Jan. 19, 2010. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Walter Marino (Click photo for screen-resolution image);high-resolution image available. While Max, a 3-year-old Labrador retriever, sat calmly on the floor next to Krist, who was reading a book, they waited for their next opportunity to work. Suddenly, the back...
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Funeral Services were held for Arlene K. Burkhardt, 74, of Woodbury, who passed away on January 14, 2010. Arlene was a devoted wife, mother and grandmother and the backbone of her family, always taking care of everyone with her love, compassion and strength. Life for Arlene was simple, putting a smile on everyone’s face with her hugs, kisses and cooking. Arlene was also an active member of the Highland Park Church of God, Gloucester City. Arlene was the beloved wife of Fred Burkhardt, loving mother of Kimberly, Brian and John (Wendy) and dearest grandmother of Joshua, Brittany, Mitchell and Faith. She was the loving daughter of the late Ralph “Duke” and Laura Kandle and dear sister of Sandra Schepacarter. Duke was the former postmaster for the Gloucester City Post Office. She is also survived by 2 cherished aunts, Anna Harris (Jack), and Jennie Johnson (late Gus), 2 nephews, and many...
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Suddenly, on January 22, 2010. Age 76. Of Vineland. Formerly of Gloucester City. Loving husband of 55 years to Mary Louise (nee Bernard). Loving father of Maureen (Paul) Gorlewski, Howard E. (Donna), Michael J. (Bethany) and James R. Ellis. Loving grandfather of 15 and great-grandfather of 10. Dear brother of Carolyn Peterson, Edward T. and David Ellis. Howard proudly served in the U.S. Army and was an escaped POW during the Korean Conflict. He received many distinguished medals including a Purple Heart and 4 Bronze Stars. Howard was a self-employed trucker. He was a member of the Townsend C. Young VFW Post #3620 and Brooklawn American Legion Post 72. Relatives and friends are kindly invited to attend his viewing on Thursday evening from 7 to 9 pm and Friday morning from 9 to 10 am at the McCANN-HEALEY FUNERAL HOME: 851 Monmouth Street, Gloucester City. Mass of Christian Burial Friday...
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By Dawn Watson NEWS Correspondent The statistics are dismal. New Jersey lost some 103,000 jobs last year and the unemployment rate is now at 10 percent. But what does that mean on a local level? Gloucester City citizens realize there is a financial crisis; revenues are down, property taxes are rising, and no one has an answer. The remedies offered by Gloucester City are often encased in a “Catch-21” cycle. For example, the Gloucester City Library offers free computer classes so that residents can apply for unemployment on-line. It also offers on-line job searches and resume writing classes. However, Librarian Erica Cathers said, “We did not see much of a response at the end of 2008. It just seemed to bottom out. “The State of New Jersey gave us a grant for a job searching program, we had a program on resume writing courtesy of Robert Marino, and we attempted...
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(Editor’s note: This is the first in an occasional series about the history of the “Bells of Gloucester City.” Thanks to Ed Walens for coming up with this idea.) On October 11, 1849, the cornerstone for the first Presbyterian Church was laid. Then on Sunday, December 10, 1850, the church building was depicted minus a steeple. After much discussion a spike was purchased and placed on the church raising to the height of 82 feet. Now Mr. Henry F. West thought the steeple should house a bell, but knowing the congregation could not afford one he decided to donate one on his own. The church received the bell in the summer of 1852, but unfortunately it could not be placed in the steeple. Shortly after the arrival of the bell a tornado hit Gloucester City and the 82- foot steeple was torn off its foundation. Now, Mr. West was superintendent...
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Image by Anita363 via Flickr The NJ DEP Division of Fish and Wildlife advises hunters that the Spring Turkey Permit Application Period opened today, Monday, January 25. Applications can be made either through the online license website or at a license agent. The application period remains open until February 22, and applicants can review and edit their applications online until the application period closes. Turkey hunters need to be aware of changes that have been made to certain Turkey Hunting Area (Zone) boundaries. The format (length and structure) of the season has also changed. Detailed information can be found in the Turkey Permit Supplement at (pdf, 420kb). The print version will arrive at license agents and division offices soon. For more information on the spring season permit application process visit on the division's website.
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DISTINGUISHED HONORS-Courtney Bocchicchio, Jade Carson, Jessica Chambers, Maryellen Crain, Taylor Gavin, Alison Guldin, Amy Guldin, Samantha Krieg, Brandon Lanchang, Destinee Meeser, Victoria Milano, Lindsay Musselman, Joshua Pizzillo, Natalie Price, Mackenzie Rapa-Slover, Nicholas Salamone, Mackenzie Seymour, Kelsey Vespe. HONORS-Timothy Alexander, Emma Ball, Ariana Beebe, Jonathan Bell, Christopher Blaylock, Gabrielle Bocchicchio, Joseph Bocchicchio, Mya Bocchicchio, Richard Bonczak, Brittany Brown, Hailey Burns, Emily Calhoun, Tyler Capner, Claire Czerski, Gary Czerski, Samuel Czerski. Also, Kenzie Calhoun, Gabrielle Campise, Cassidy Chambers, Dominick Cipolone, Mark Colavito, Gabrielle Crain, James Danielwicz, Laura Danielwicz, Emily DiPadova, Angel Dougherty, Tiahna Duong, Jordyn Eggert, Holly Fitzgerald, Michael Gaglianone, Meghan Garbacz, Kasey Gardner, Erica Gilmore, Maria Granato, Stephan Gravenor, Brianna Hamilton, Kirsten Hoffman. Also, Zachary Holmes, Kelsey Immendorf, Joshua Jimenez, Lorianne Johanesen, Julie Johnson, Michael Jost, Samuel Keating, Jordan Klinger, Valerie LaMarra, Elijah Lapp, Mark MacGarvey, Alyssa Marszalek, Matthew Marszalek, Matthew Massey, Trent Maxwell, Meghan McDonough, Carlie McErlane, Alison McHugh, Drew...
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By Linda Boker-Angelo NEWS Correspondent Members of the Gloucester City Board of Education were pleased last week to once again hear comments by the Students of the Month selected to represent each of the City School District’s schools. Junior Jackie Weichman spoke about some winter events going on at Gloucester City High School. Principal Jack Don praised Weichman for her grades and participation in many extracurricular activities, including the Leo Club and the Choir. Weichman would like to one day attend Maine College of Arts, and eventually enter the Peace Corp. Sara Deetz, a fifth grader at Mary Ethel Costello School, talked about some of the programs at Costello. Deetz is an honor student and plays basketball and softball. “Mary Ethel is a school full of bright and energetic students,” she stated. Third grader Trinity Booth told board members about some upcoming events planned for the children at Cold Springs...
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Five-Alarm Fire Guts Amspec Chemical Warehouse In Gloucester City Cheerleaders Asks Gloucester Planning Board To Stay Open As Club Mt. Ephraim, Brooklawn, Audubon and Gloucester City Students Playing In Honors Band Westville Council Installs Daniel Rice As New Police Officer Cub Scouts, Alexis Harrop, Open Bellmawr Reorganization Meeting.
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By Bill Cleary PARKING PERMITS NEEDED-The City of Gloucester City recently approved permit parking for the residents of the 200 block of King Street as well as the 200 block of Essex Street due to complaints from the neighbors about the employees from Holts parking in the area. Holt provides three parking lots for its employees. Once the ground thaws the signs will be installed. A resident from the 200 block of Morris Street writes, Bill, I have four vehicles and two are usually on King, I’m told because I live on Morris St. I can’t get a permit now. When the “no show taxpayer sweeper” comes around where am I supposed to park, four blocks over and take somebody else’s spot. This is just more @#$% from our city government going stupid. As for the “no show sweeper” the only thing that it does is take my dirt and...
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Lance Corporal Ryan Wilno is deployed to Afghanistan. If you remember his homecoming on Nov 1st 2008, it was a beautiful day. His parents were very active with the Yellow Ribbon Club. Then the tragic end of the day was the death of his father. We were all completely shocked and devastated. Ryan has stepped up to the plate not only for his family but for our country. The only thing he is asking for is Spaghettios and towels. I think it would be great to send him more than he and his comrades could handle. The Yellow Ribbon Club will take care of the shipping; just need some Spaghettios and towels. Adding socks to his care packages would probably be good too. Thank you. Leslie Drummond, President & Founder The Yellow Ribbon Club [email protected]
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January 24, 2010 at 11 AM 700 Unit Block Water Street Gloucester City Fire fighters were still on the scene busy wrapping hoses and storing equipment on fire trucks. The five alarm fire at the former AMSPEC Chemical plant started at 4:30 AM and was brought under control at 6 AM. The 22 acre riverfront property was purchased by the City of Gloucester City in 2009 for $5 million. Video by ClearysNoteBook
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January 24,2010 700 unit block Water Street Gloucester City NJ Franchi Demolition was hired to work with the Camden County Fire Marshall digging through the debris to try to determine the cause of the blaze. The five-alarm fire began at 4:30 AM it was brought under control at 6 AM. See related video, the cleanup Related articles by Zemanta Gloucester City: Five Alarm Fire, 700 Block of Water Street (
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Sunday, January 24, 2010, 4:25 am Address: 700 Blk of Water St, Gloucester City NJ Squad 51 and Battalion 504 reported a 300x300 3 story building with heavy fire showing, the 2nd and 3rd alarms were transmitted,defensive operations, numerous master streams were placed into service the 4th alarm and 5th alarm where transmitted. Command requested the 5 inch Strike Team as well as a Fireboat from Philadelphia Fire Department, crews stretched water supplies for blocks to the fire scene. Cherry Hill Haz Mat 13 was on scene monitoring the air quality. ~Steve Skipton NJ Editor Philly Fire News Note: The building on fire was located on the former AMSPEC CHEMICAL property. The 22-acre property was purchased in 2009 by the City of Gloucester City for $5 million. The City has been meeting for months now with representatives of the Chilean fruit industry to discuss the possible construction of a refrigerated...
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I'd like to thank each of you for your involvement in the 2009 gubernatorial election. I'm confident that the prominent role the outdoor community played in helping to elect Governor Christie resulted in our concerns becoming highly visible, which led to our involvement in the Department of Environmental Protection Transition Team (as represented by the New Jersey Outdoor Alliance.) This representation was helpful in bringing attention to a DEP that often overlooks or undervalues the conservation aspects of our natural resources. The final report from the DEP Transition Team can be found at the link that follows. See page 17, Note #5, "Natural Resource Stewardship" for the suggestions regarding natural resources. (copy and paste to your browser) Thank you, again, for your involvement in the political process and for contacting legislators and "getting out the vote." Our political involvement is bringing attention to the importance of natural resource conservation,...
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**If you have been looking to ADOPT or RESCUE a DOG, please consider WINTER, our sweet little girl who desperately needs to be rescued this weekend** **She is scheduled to be put to sleep this Sunday January 24 at 12 noon if we cannot find a rescue for her. It's very upsetting, but we're trying our best to reach out. Please help her** More about WINTER: We named her Winter because she has such a beautiful white coat and is such a pretty girl! Poor Winter is DEAF, is only about 1 year old and weighs 47 lbs. She has so much potential for a happy life that our shelter cannot provide. Winter is very friendly with everyone she meets! She needs some basic training, but all in all, she is a loving girl with a great personality! No other cats or dogs for her, please. There's still time to...
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Pet Tip of the Week By Dawn Watson Category Pet Tips You step outside, just for a moment, to get the mail. A flash of a tail later you realize that Fido has run out the door. Now, he is nowhere to be seen! What do you do, now? Here are some methods I have used to successfully find a lost dog: Arm yourself with your cell phone and a leash that can double as a collar and leash in case his collar comes off. Also grab his favorite toy and some treats. Call his name within walking distance of your home. If he does not respond get in your car and drive around with the window open, calling his name. Call your local police department (not 911) and report that your dog is missing. If, after about a half hour of driving you still haven’t located the dog go...
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Manahawkin (Barnegat), New Jersey When: Sunday, January 24, 2010 Time: 12:45 PM Where: 116 Torpedo Rd Manahawkin, NJ 08050 Randy (YRC) 609-760-5394 Please come out and welcome home SFC George Bono from his tour in Iraq. George is a member of the 1-150th Assault Helicopter Battalion in the New Jersey National Guard. George is 54 years old and father of three; he enlisted in 1974 at the tail end of Viet Nam. He has been deployed since January 2009. He and his wife Lisa were married in 2004. As a civilian he works for the state of New Jersey maintaining Helicopters, UH-1’s, OH58’s and now Blackhawks. George has three grown children, Diana, Jimmy and the eldest George is currently deployed to Afghanistan and will be back in the spring. He also has two grand children, Sara and Anthony. George’s military roots run deep, as there are four generations of his...
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1/21/10 A New Jersey bill would put bear management back into the hands of wildlife professionals, erasing years of anti-hunting efforts by former Governor John Corzine. Assembly Bill 181, sponsored by Assemblyman Gary Chiusano (R- Frankford Township) and Assemblywoman Alison Littell McHose (R- Franklin), would clear the way for the use of bear hunting to manage the state’s burgeoning black bear population. Additionally, the bill clarifies that the state Fish and Game Council has sole authority to implement and regulate black bear hunting in New Jersey. The bill also prohibits the Commissioner of the state Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) from blocking a bear hunt that has been approved by the Council. Former DEP Commissioner Lisa Jackson arbitrarily cancelled the state’s bear hunt in 2006. In response, the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance Foundation (USSAF), along with Safari Club International and the New Jersey State Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs filed a lawsuit...
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To: Anglers, hunters, trappers, all conservationists It has been proven that the united efforts of outdoorsmen and outdoorswomen can positively educate and influence legislators about conservation and our freedoms to enjoy our country's natural resources. Once again, extremists with an agenda to restrict, or ultimately ban, our freedoms are at work manipulating laws to prevent us from exercising our freedoms to fish, hunt or participate in the sustainable use of natural resources. Whether the assaults come from Pew, PETA, HSUS, or whether they are directed at anglers, hunters, trappers or foresters - it is clear that we will allow them to determine our futures if we do not assert ourselves. FISHERMEN TO MARCH ON WASHINGTON "United We Fish" To Seek Congressional Support On February 24 As many of you know, recreational and commercial fishermen will gather together on the steps of the Capitol on February 24, 2010 from noon until...
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Image via Wikipedia Harrisburg, PA – The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission (PFBC) are reminding anglers that a new federal law requires anglers who target or catch shad, striped bass, and river herring from the Delaware River below Trenton Falls or in the Delaware Estuary to register with the National Saltwater Angler Registry. Anglers do not need to register if they meet one of the following exceptions: -Are under the age of 16. -Only fish on licensed charter, party, or guide boats. -Hold a Highly Migratory Species Angling Permit. -Fish commercially under a valid license. -Possess a New York Marine Recreational License. -Possess a Delaware Fisherman Information Network (F.I.N.) Number. Please note that registered anglers must still possess a valid state fishing license. Registration is quick, easy, and free in 2010. Anglers may visit the Registry website at and click on...
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Image via Wikipedia JAN 19 -- (Indianapolis) Jesus Manuel Fierro-Mendez, 47, Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, was sentenced on January 15, 2010, by U.S. District Judge Sarah E. Barker to 324 months in prison. Fierro-Mendez was sentenced subsequent to his guilty plea to conspiracy to distribute cocaine. Fierro-Mendez’ arrest and prosecution was the result of a year-long investigation conducted by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). The cocaine trafficking organization led by Fierro-Mendez operated out of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico between July 20, 2007 and August 29, 2007. Evidence in the DEA investigation revealed that Fierro-Mendez was a high-level operative in the Juarez Cartel. While Fierro-Mendez oversaw the transportation and distribution of cocaine, he also served as a police officer in the Puma unit in Juarez, Mexico. The Puma unit is a counter-narcotics task force operating within the Juarez police force. The investigation revealed that Fierro-Mendez obtained multiple kilogram shipments of cocaine in Ciudad...
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By David Huckabee Federal retirees checking their bank balances this month are probably noticing they have taken a hit in their pensions because of health plan premium increases and the absence of a COLA in 2010. Will things be better in 2011? The answer is probably not. Health premiums will still go up and there may be little or no increase in pensions in 2011. We know this because the December 2009 urban and clerical wage earner consumer price index (CPI-W) is 1.76% lower than the cost of living computation quarter which will be used to compute the next COLA, and if current trends continue the COLA numbers will be in negative territory for 2011 also. The Social Security system trustees and the Congressional Budget Office are also predicting little or no increase in benefits beginning in 2011. How can this happen two years in a row? Won't Congress somehow...
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Related articles by Zemanta Possible Traffic Delays Resulting from.. Benefit for Family DRPA Police Officer Killed on Walt Whitman Bridge ( Funeral Services Set for Corporal Chris Milito, Killed in the Line of Duty (
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Mt. Ephraim Public Schools January 20, 2010 Board of Education Notice MT. EPHRAIM PUBLIC SCHOOLS -A vacancy currently exists on the Mt. Ephraim Board of Education due to the resignation of Darlene Alexander. The term of this position will end in April 2010. By law, a Board of Education Member: Must be a current and qualified registered voter, and Must be able to read and write, and Must have been a resident of Mt. Ephraim for at least one year, and Must have no interest in any contract with the Board of Education, and Cannot currently hold office as a member of the Mt. Ephraim governing body. Residents meeting that criteria who wish to apply for consideration to fill the vacancy should submit a letter of interest and personal resume to: Mr. Joseph Rafferty, R. W. Kershaw School, 125 S. Black Horse Pike, Mt. Ephraim, NJ 08059. The deadline to...
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Beverly, New Jersey WHEN: Friday, January 22, 2010 TIME: 1:00 PM WHERE: 246 East Warren Street Beverly, New Jersey 08010 CONTACT: Mike or Leslie (YRC) 609-980-4175 Chief Curran is returning from a Tour of Active Duty in Iraq. He is 52 years old. He and his wife Lucy have 4 daughters, one of which is on Active Duty with the Navy. Please join members of the Yellow Ribbon Club, Beverly Township, Beverly Fire and EMS, Local Police and members of the community, along with friends and family, as we welcome home another American Hero. The Yellow Ribbon Club [email protected] articles by Zemanta Glad To Be Home In Gloucester City ( The Yellow Ribbon Club Making a Special Request for a Special Marine (
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As a concerned Camden County resident, I ask myself why certain stories are not reported. This country was built on investigating reporting, letting the people know what should concern them in their towns, and what is going to affect them short and long term. I myself am not a reporter, just a citizen that is getting frustrated with the hiding of information and politics. My first concern is the town of Mt. Ephraim, we have such a small and limited police force as it is that when one of our police officers leaves to take another position we do not immediately replace this officer. Instead we take the salary for this officer and bank it, and give the excuse that we are waiting to see what the new Governor will do once he takes office. Meanwhile we have now put the town and other officers at risk, while the borough...
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Press Release Largest Group In Band’s Seven Year History Mt. Ephraim, NJ – January 16, 2010 – Susan Moore, band director from Audubon, could not believe her eyes. “There are over seventy kids signed up this year!” Seven years earlier she had contacted Mary Manion, from Mt. Ephraim, about combining selected 5th & 6th graders for an “honors” band. “Our schools are small and although the students have a great experience, they do not get practice performing in a large group or with a full instrumentation,” says Manion. So the Winter Festival Honors Band was begun and about thirty students participated that first year. Fast forward to 2010 and the festival has grown to include students from not only Audubon and Mt. Ephraim and neighboring Brooklawn last year, but also Haddon Heights, directed by Jessica M. Horne- Green, Gloucester City directed by Lisa Schmitt and Oaklyn School directed by Lori...
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Commentary by Hank F. Miller Jr. During the Christmas and New Year holiday from December 19th, 2009 through to January 2nd, 2010 we spent a really great and exciting holiday in Hawaii visiting our son Lucas and his wife Raeanna She is from Guam in the Marianna chain, we enjoyed a very wonderful stay at their home in Waipahu, Hawaii. Lucas is stationed there with the U.S.Army's 25th Infantry Division, at Schofield Bks.The real purpose of our visit is spend time with Lucas & Raeanna since Lucas will be deployed to either Afghanistan or go to Iraq for his second deployment in May. From our first day we had beautiful weather, during the day it was warm and sunny at night it was cool and comfortable. We just took a ride and went shopping at the Schofield Bks Post Exchange and had lunch there and relaxed the rest of the...
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On Tuesday, January 19, faculty, school administration and parents were informed that Bishop Guilfoyle Regional Catholic School will close at the end of the current school year due to declining enrollment and resulting financial struggles. Last week the Diocese announced that Wildwood Catholic HS was closing. Below is the letter sent to school families today: Dear Parents: Our diocese, like many in the Northeast, has faced significant challenges related to demographic and population changes. While population has grown in South Jersey , many municipalities have experienced actual population declines. This population decline, when coupled with a decline in religious practice, has resulted in declining enrollment in our schools, rising deficits and heavy burdens on the sponsoring parishes. These realities, unfortunately, have impacted Bishop Guilfoyle Regional Catholic School . Our school serves an area of the diocese in which population has decreased more than 30 percent over the last five decades....
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Image via Wikipedia - Tuesday, January 19, 2010 By Karen Schuberg ( – Head Start, the federal government’s largest preschool program for low-income children, was found to yield no lasting results, according to a report released by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services at the beginning of this year. The study found that children served by Head Start made gains in education and health during preschool when compared to other low-income children who did not participate in Head Start. But by the ends of both kindergarten and first grade, those benefits had “largely” dissipated. The 27-page report, titled “Head Start Impact Study Final Report,” states bleak findings. via Related articles by Zemanta Gregoire proposes enhanced preschool ( HEADSTART: ANOTHER GOVERNMENT PROGRAM THAT DOESN'T WORK? "The evaluation, which was mandated by Co... (
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Federal Lawsuit Comes in Direct Response to Lawmakers' Broken Promise to Create a Meaningful Exemption for Honest Collectors and Competitors Press Release issued on January 17, 2010 The Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs (ANJRPC) announced today that it has filed a lawsuit in the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey to invalidate New Jersey's one gun a month law, in direct response to lawmakers' broken promise to create a meaningful exemption for gun collectors and competitors in the handgun rationing law. According to ANJRPC President Scott Bach, "Criminals laugh at Corzine's new law, which they can easily thwart, and which fails to punish criminal behavior. It's a thinly disguised attempt to ration the Constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens." "Lawmakers promised that Corzine's Firearms Task Force would deliver a meaningful exemption for honest gun collectors and competitors, who were not the target of the...
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easy bidding, fast turn around, lots of variety, complete digital workflow, great team collaoration Model Cristina Lopez Moreno, Hair/Make-up Lauren Lesley Chajkowski, Stylist Hung of H-Clothier To request portfolio please contact [email protected] AMANDA STEVENSON PHOTO CATEGORY GREAT PHOTOS CATEGORY PHILADELPHIA
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Forest Stewardship Bill, supported by NJOA and conservation groups, signed by Gov. Corzine! A sign of a growing recognition by legislators of the importance of "conservation" to ecosystem healt Establishes forest stewardship and forest certification programs in DEP; establishes Forest Stewardship Incentive Fund (TRENTON) The measure (A3239) and (companion bill S713) direct the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to establish a forest stewardship program for owners of forest land who prepare forest stewardship plans for five acres of land or more. Under the bill, plans would be required to meet the rules and regulations of sustainability, list the owner's long term stewardship goals for the forest land and the annual activities that will be implemented in the forest. The bill also directs the DEP to: * Establish a cost share incentive program, "New Jersey Forest Stewardship Incentive Program," if funds are appropriated or otherwise made available for the support and...
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