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Pet Tip of the Week: Mastering the Polite, On-Leash Walk

By Dawn Watson

Ah, autumn, when Mother Earth wears her finest colors, the air is crisp and clean, and Fido wants to go for a walk. You put on your hoodie, grab the leash, clip_image002[6]and off you go to enjoy nature’s splendor! Unfortunately, the moment Fido is outside he takes off running like Brian Westbrook streaking for the end zone. (Thanks, Dan for the analogy!) Short of hooking up the sled and hollering, “Mush!” what can you do to stop your dog from pulling so hard that you are considering rotator cuff surgery? The answer is simple: STOP.

When your dog pulls on-leash simply stop until Fido stops pulling; then, take a few more steps until he starts to pull again. Each time you stop use a corrective word, like, “Hey” or “No”. He will learn within minutes that pulling gets him nowhere.

Let’s talk for a minute about the proper tools with which to collar or harness your dog. Choke collars do just that: choke. They are cruel, unnecessary, and cause esophageal strictures, glaucoma, and collapsed tracheas. I don’t permit them in my practice and in fact encourage the use of harnesses which are much more comfortable for your dog. If you can’t afford a soft buckle collar or a harness, give me a call. I’ll give you one at no cost; that’s how strongly I feel about this topic.

As you may know, Brother of the Wolf has its grand re-opening today, Saturday, November 14. Classes begin on Sunday. Stop in for coffee and donuts and meet our Mayor at the ribbon cutting ceremony at 10 AM. Stick around for awhile because all classes will be deeply discounted in honor of the opening!

As always, Cleary’s Notebook encourages commentary so if you have questions please ask. And I’d like to thank Mr. Cleary for encouraging new business in Gloucester City with his generous journalistic opportunities and promotional work to local business.

Next week’s topic will be about socializing your dog with other dogs.

Feel free to call me at 856-349-2508 or email me at [email protected] if you have questions about your dog. There is never a fee for a phone or email consultation!

clip_image002Wado, udohiyu, (thank you very much, in the Cherokee language)

Dawn Watson

Brother of the Wolf, LLC

700 Market St

Gloucester City, NJ 08030

We offer Natural Training for Exceptional Dogs

Brother of the Wolf Banner Horz.

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