NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Dog Training School Variance Approved
Winter Trout Fishing in New Jersey

New Lake in Gloucester City Named After Movie Theatre

By Sara Martino

NEWS Correspondent

Two new additions were announced during Thursday’s City Council meeting, and both attractions happen to be part of Gloucester City’s past.

Councilman Nicholas Marchese introduced a resolution naming the lake at the former drive-in movie theatre site as Starlite Lake.

“Whereas, the Starlite Drive-In Movie Theatre existed at the site of Meadowbrook Run for many years and many residents enjoyed the drive-in movies; and whereas the mayor and common council are desirous of naming the lake located at Meadowbrook Run as the Starlite Lake.

“Whereas, this lake will be the fourth lake in Gloucester City and will be maintained by the City, residents of Meadowbrook Run and the Neighborhood Association. Now, therefore, be it resolved by the mayor and council that the lake be officially named Starlite Lake.”

Meadowbrook Run is a new housing development.

Marchese said that the lake behind the drive-in, which had been on Route 130, will be used for recreational purposes.

“A retaining pond will be created, kids can enjoy fishing, benches and lighting will be installed,” he said.

Council okayed the resolution. Customers from all parts of New Jersey and Pennsylvania attended the outdoor movies once the facility was built at Route 130 and Klemm Avenue in 1948. It was demolished later on during the late 1960s or early 1970s.

More exciting news came after Mayor William James called Pat O’Donnell up to the microphone.

“We have plans in the works for a new restaurant to be located at Freedom Pier at the former Coast Guard base,” he said.

“We have been looking forward to this development. The restaurant will be similar to the old one we had on Broadway. There will be music, entertainment, seating outside as well as inside and catering will be available,” he said.

O’Donnell’s was run by the family for 20 years. The new restaurant will be called the “Patty O’D’s Riverfront Pub.”

Ordinances on first reading were approved that will amend the vehicle and traffic code Chapter 87 to allow an all-way stop and Sherwood and Sylvan streets. Also, approval was given to amend Chapter 18 entitled “Animals” that will allow a Trap, Neuter and Release (TNR) program of caught cats in the city.

source Gloucester City News

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