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Raising Money to Fight Cancer


Hi All, I just wanted to remind you all of the event in the Summer to raise money for cancer.  I already started my team and would love for anyone interested to come out and support this cause.  Cancer effects so many people and the 2010 Relay for life in Haddon Township is a chance for us to celebrate, remember and fight back.  It is a 24 hour event to signify that cancer never sleeps.We will have fundraisers and lots of different things.  Registration is $10.00 and the luminary event and survivor event are both very touching.  I have attached some information on our Relay as well as the form for our 1st Relay fundraiser. 

A candle fundraiser, just in time for the Holidays.  Prices are great and all proceeds go directly to our team, the Cancer Sinkers.  The relay is June 5 to 6th.  Please also get me a list of anyone’s name who you would like to remember that has passed or the names of cancer survivors. We would like to include everyone that has in one way or another been effected by cancer.  

Our team shirt will include all that have died and those who survived.  Our theme is Anchors aweigh to cancer, fishing for a cure.  Our shirt sponsorship will have fish all over the back for you to sponsor and have a saying in the fish, a memorial in the fish, a survivor or a business.   All the information is attached.  Below is the link to register.  Relay is a huge event and it has to be started early.  Start your fundraising now…………Feel free to pass this information around.

Cancer Sinkers Team Page Relay for Life 2010

Our first fundraiser is Little House Candles, they are awesome.  Sale starts today and ends October 28, All orders and forms must be turned in to me or Dottie Phillips by October 28.  Delivery will be by Thanksgiving.  Thanks again!

Marie Phillips

[email protected]

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