NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

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Gloucester City Independent Candidate Says Incumbents Made Many Promises But…


A few months back I wrote an article entitled “PROGRESS DOWN THE ROAD” in which I pointed out how neighboring communities were continuing their commercial projects. In particular I mentioned the Bellmawr Waterfront Redevelopment.

About the Bellmawr Waterfront I wrote; “When completed,6a00d8341bf7d953ef0120a5ba264e970c this massive complex will have a marina on Big Timber Creek, retail stores, restaurants, hotels, an Imax Movie Theater, the new Comcast Spectrum Stadium (yes, a stadium) and a whole host of other various economic advances. (Who knows, maybe they too will buy a schooner?)” I was impressed by their plans, their images and the way Bellmawr’s officials have kept their residents informed throughout the process.

Over the past twenty plus years Gloucester City has made many plans to redevelop Freedom Pier and the old Coast Guard Base. The latest plan I have heard is to build 29 private residences and to turn the Coast Guard Base into a commercial / retail facility with shops and restaurants…or at least I think that is still the plan.

I searched the internet to find pictures and articles detailing our City’s plan. The City’s own website states: “Freedom Pier / Coast Guard Base - Future Developments for a detailed schematic of the proposed site, coming soon.” I found a few conflicting news articles that were over a year or two old; however I did come across a video produced in the fall of 2006 chronicling the suggested failures of the previous administration. The video made a powerful point but unfortunately some of its sequences are still relevant three years later with this administration. You can watch their video by clicking the following link:

Just recently a resident named Bill Gugel submitted to Cleary’s Notebook a number of computer generated images of how he would like to see Jersey Avenue and Freedom Pier redeveloped. Although the designs where constructed solely from his own opinions, they captured my attention. What struck me most about his ideas were the concepts he visualized through his graphics and the questions they created in my mind about Freedom Pier’s redevelopment.

Questions like:

  • Where are the Freedom Pier official design images and graphics for us all to view on the internet?
  • How well is the Freedom Pier redevelopment project moving forward?
  • What benchmarks have our City achieved so far?
  • When can we expect to see the beginning stages of construction?
  • Since the City has recently requested additional studies for the Pier, does this mean the plan has changed?
  • Have there been any interested businesses inquiring about retail space and if so, which ones?
  • What are the projected sale prices for the homes to be built on Freedom Pier?

These are just some of the questions I have about Freedom Pier and I believe our residents deserve to know the answers. I believe an Independent Watchdog is needed to keep residents informed of what is happening in their City. I hope you will consider my City Council Campaign when you go to the polls to vote on November 3rd. - [email protected] - (856) 816-6850
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