NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Pet Tip of the Week: Exercise Equals a Calm Canine
Letters: Like Positive Steps Gloucester City Has Taken

A Guide to Fishing and Diving New Jersey's Reefs

The NJ DEP's Division of Fish and Wildlife is pleased to announce the release of the third edition of its popular publication, A Guide to Fishing and Diving New Jersey's Reefs. The guide is a valuable reference for anyone interested in fishing or diving on the state's artificial reefs.

This revised edition of the guide contains DGPS charts of 17 reef network sites (including 3 new sites) and information on more than 4,000 patch reefs. In addition to reef locations and charts, the guide includes information on the types of materials used to construct the various reefs and how to utilize the reefs for diving and fishing.

The guide is available in PDF format in its entirety and in sections on the NJ DEP Division of Fish and Wildlife's website - there will be no print edition available.  To download all or portions of the guide visit .

For information on the artificial reef program visit .

Sea Eagle Fisherman's Dream Kit
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