Councilman Marchese Releases Update on Construction Projects
Monday, September 14, 2009
Gloucester City Councilman Nick Marchese, (photo) Second Ward (D)
released the following report on the construction projects that are taking place
in the City of Gloucester City.
His statement reads as follows:
“We are happy to see that the TD Bank on Broadway and Cumberland Street is almost completed and will be opening in the near future. We thank our local residents for their patience's and for attending our meeting concerning the parking and safety issues in this area. We are doing everything possible to make sure things are safe for our residents and their children.
“The City was able to secure funding for the paving of Joy Street which has been completed from Market Street to Cumberland Street. Barnaby, Amon Avenue and Essex Street paving and infrastructure projects are also currently being worked on and will be completed in a timely fashion.
Chatham Square which possibly will be named Meadowbrook Mews in the future is moving forward. We have had numerous meetings with our developer, Oren Brothers and are continuing to work out the final details of our new town home project.
“Freedom Pier is taking shape as Mayor and Council is nearing completing of the final design of the new restaurant, retail stores, and the walkway/railing system around the pier from Gloucester Towne to Monmouth Street. The 29 new town home project has its approvals as we continue the search for a qualified builder. In a tough economy like the one we are currently experiencing, it is not easy to find developers who are capable and qualified to do this work. We are confident that we will all see some movement on the Freedom Pier project by years end.
“Our new Water Treatment Plants construction continues to grow. Even with the excess amount of rain this summer, the contractor is doing a great job with its progress and keeping on schedule.
“Many time we hear stories about what is going on around town
but do not always receive the proper information. Should you want to clarify
anything about what is going on feel free to contact our City Administrator
(456-0205) or Department heads for the correct information. “