NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia
« July 2009 |
| September 2009 »
This blonde decides one day that she is sick and tired of all these blonde jokes and how all blondes are perceived as stupid. So, she decides to show her husband that blondes really are smart. While her husband is off at work, she decides that she is going to paint a couple of rooms in the house. The next day, right after her husband leaves for work, she gets down to the task at hand. Her husband arrives home at 5:30 and smells the distinctive smell of paint. He walks into the living room and finds his wife lying on the floor in a pool of sweat. He notices that she is wearing a heavy parka and a leather jacket at the same time. He goes over and asks her if she if OK. She replies yes. He asks what she is doing and she replies that she wanted...
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Image via Wikipedia LAWRENCEVILLE-Jackie Adams of the Rider University field hockey team was named Northeast Conference Rookie of the Week for all games played the first week of the season it was announced by the conference office Monday afternoon. "This was a great accomplishment for her," said head coach Lori Hussong. "She was effective inside the circle and put herself in position to be ready to score and that is what we need her to do." Adams, a 5-2 forward from Medford Lakes, New Jersey (Shawnee High), scored twice in Rider's 8-2 season opening win against Lehigh on August 29. "I was really nervous, but at some point you have to put that aside and just go out there and play," Adams said after the game. "We all came together and everyone helped out and supported one another. All of the goals came off of passes and if everyone works...
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On August 28, 2009. Age 69. Of Mount Ephraim. Loving son of the late Leonard D. and Elizabeth B. Menna (nee McDermott). Father of Traci L. (Mike) Deninno and Deborah L. (Ray) Corda. Step-father of Theodore J. (late Caroline) Howarth and John T. Howarth. Predeceased by his step-son; Joseph J. Howarth. Loving grandfather of 9. Thomas proudly served our country in the U. S. Navy during the Vietnam War. He worked 35 years as an Automotive Mechanic for the United States Post Office in Bellmawr. Relatives and friends are kindly invited to meet Thursday morning at 9:15 am at the McCANN-HEALEY FUNERAL HOME: 851 Monmouth St. (at Brown St.) Gloucester City. Funeral Procession will leave at precisely 9:30 am to the Brigadier General William C. Doyle Veterans Cemetery, Arneytown, NJ. Religious Service and Military Honors will begin at 10:30 am at the cemetery. No Viewing at the Funeral Home. In...
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Bellmawr School Board Will Dedicate Betty Sheppard Memorial Park October 1 Hundreds Attend Rep. Rob Andrews’ Town Hall Meeting About Universal Health Care Gloucester City, Developer, Make Chatham Square Apts. Deal For 50 Townshouses Gloucester City Rotary Invites Business And Civic Leaders To September 16 ‘Happy Hour’ Meeting Plans Getting Finalized For Gloucester Day October 3 Publisher Emeritus Bill Cleary Highlights Problems Of Overgrown Bushes And WeedsRelated articles by Zemanta Dead whale washes up at Coast Guard Base..The year ? ( In your Own Words: We are Begging, Pleading and Praying, Honor Your Agreement ( Jenna Bush Hager joins "Today" show; former first daughter adds NBC correspondent to her resume ( Cheney May Not Cooperate With CIA Interrogation Probe (
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GLOUCESTER CITY -After being loaded onto a flatbed truck at the Gloucester City Coast Guard station, the unusual site enters the Brooklawn Circle on it's way to Kinsley Landfill in Deptford. Does anyone remember the year this happened? Photo by Ron Karafin/Courier-Post
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By CNB Sports Tummy Tee ( 6-5 ) Collins- Defending champs? A year older, slower, and less committed! Jeep MacAdams ( 7-5 ) MacAdams, Ainsley- Ainsley, if you cant beat em’ join em’! Barth Accounting ( 8-5 ) Scully, Walker- Always all business… Shoprite ( 9-5 ) Kozenewski- Tadd would rather announce than play! C & J Auto ( 9-5 ) Fahy, Sharyky- Fahy afraid to play after Sharky meltdown in Wiffle Palooza two years ago. Sal & Pats ( 2-1 ) Boulden, Herman, Farlow- Kaitlyn is the only real athlete in the family… Bellmawr Storage ( 2-1 ) Blackiston, Darrow- Brett finally on his own…22 minutes away, I can hear him crying from here…”where’s my mac and cheese??” Lipkins ( 2-1 ) Cooper, Lindsay, Thompson- Coop can’t finish the house, not likely to finish the tournament! McCanns Funeral Home ( 3-1 ) Mudhens, Harrum, Reagle- More success drinking than...
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Commentary by Hank F. Miller Jr. …in addition to my commentary of this past week. Old New Name of Law----Alien registration Act. Immigration control and Refugee Act. Entity in Charge-Municipality in which residing. Immigration Bureau. Identification Card.-Alien Registration Card. Residence ("Zairyu") Card. Duration of Visa. - Typically three years. Typically five years. Re-entry permit. - Required when leaving Japan. Not required if returning to Japan within a year. Where to update personal information.According to the old law residence municipal office.The new law requires you to report to the immigration office, except for change of address. The following are required rules and regulations set down by the Japanese Government and Immigration Department. 1. Punishment for failing to report changes in personal information in 14 days. The Maximum Fine 200,00 Japanese Yen, In U.S. Dollars is about $2,000. 2. Punishment for failing to report changes in 90 days. Residential Status May be...
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But there are three problems: One is that Christie has made statements supporting that bill -- though if he read it he'd realize it guarantees suburban towns will never get tax relief. The second problem is he still has not released his own property-tax relief plan, though he promised to do so six months ago. And then there's the third problem: Christie seems to have gone into hiding. Usually at this point in a campaign, the challenger is running all over the state seeking to get in front of cameras and microphones. That's especially true when his opponent is one of the most unpopular governors in recent political history. CLICK LINK via
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by Bob Williams Since 1978, when the U.S. Congress created The Pinelands National Reserve, the Pine Barrens of New Jersey have been under the regulatory jurisdiction of the New Jersey Pinelands Commission, which is charged with its protection. Spanning 1.1 million acres, the reserve is the largest open space on the eastern seaboard between Boston, Massachusetts, and Richmond, Virginia. It lies next to the most concentrated highway, rail, and air-traffi c corridors—and the most densely populated region—in America. But if you stand on Apple Pie Hill, the highest spot (209 feet) in the Pinelands, what will you see? Not turnpikes, not trains, not airports, not people; only forests—a canopy of trees that stretches as far as the horizon. The primary trees are pitch pine (Pinus rigida) and oak (Quercus sp.), along with Atlantic white-cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides) that trace forest streams. Cranberry bogs, teacolored rivers, a few meadows, and white sand...
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February 22, 2007 With the temperature change in recent days the ice on the Delaware River is thrawing. Friday's forecast calls for a mostly sunny day with a high of 39 degrees. Saturday will be sunny with a high of 40 and a low of 25. Sunday there is a change of rain. The photo was taken from the pier at Proprietors Park, Gloucester City, NJ looking north towards the Walt Whitman Bridge. The boat in the foreground is docked at Holt Cargo Systems, also located in Gloucester City. Photo by Bill Cleary date Feb. 20th, 2007
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BILL'S POINT OF VIEW: By Bill Cleary This will be the third year I have written about this property located at the corner of Lane and Thompson Avenues, Gloucester City. As you can see from the most recent photo (s) taken on August 27th the bushes/weeds are so overgrown they extend over the sidewalk blocking pedestrian traffic. Because of the condition of the property I complained on August 20 to Third Ward Council members Jay Brophy and Kellie Ferry, who live just a stone’s throw away from it. I mentioned to them about the landlord having a history of not cutting the grass and further stated I was upset that someone had to complain each year before the City took action against this landlord. Most people in our community take pride in their property and get upset like I do when there is a property that is unkempt. Definition of...
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Thursday, August 27, 2009 Jerry Fitzgerald English, Chair New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission 28 West State Street 13th Floor Trenton, NJ 08608 Dear Ms. English, I learned for the first time yesterday that NJN has decided to unilaterally change the long-settled debate schedule because of pressure from the Corzine campaign (the only campaign optionally participating in the debates due to their self-funding status). NJN's decision to bow to pressure from the Corzine campaign is extremely disappointing, and suggests that NJN will allow the Corzine campaign to exert unnecessary influence over the debate. If the Corzine campaign is serious about engaging in a frank and open discussion about the important issues facing this state, they must respect the current schedule and appear for the debate on the scheduled date. It remains unclear why the Corzine campaign has requested a three week delay in this scheduled debate, but the length of...
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New Jersey Schools Begin New School Year with New Graduation Requirements, Academic Standards and Reforms in Many Areas As children say goodbye to another summer vacation and begin the familiar rituals that lead up to the return to school, educators throughout the state are hard at work preparing for a year that will be punctuated by major reforms on many levels. These reforms are led by changes in state academic standards to reflect the expectations and challenges of the 21st century, and more rigorous and relevant high school graduation requirements to better prepare graduates for higher education and the workplace. "We are fortunate in New Jersey to have Governor Corzine’s unwavering support of our schools and students." said Commissioner of Education Lucille E. Davy. "In the face of a fiscal crisis that has resulted in crippling cuts to education in other states throughout the country, Governor Corzine has kept education...
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Press Release August 13th NEWPORT NEWS, Va. - Commissioner Bernadette V. McGlade (photo) announced the Atlantic 10 Conference office will relocate from Philadelphia to Newport News, Va. The announcement was made at a press conference from the Rotunda of the Newport News Marriott at City Center. The relocation process will be completed later this fall. "Moving the office to a new region of the Atlantic 10 footprint is an opportunity to further brand the A-10. Newport News is a vibrant, growing city and Hampton Roads serves as an educational, business, cultural, and leisure hub of the Mid-Atlantic region," stated Commissioner McGlade. "The staff and I are looking forward to the relocation and becoming immersed in the community. Occupying new, built-to-suit offices will enhance our working environment to serve our membership." "We are thrilled to welcome the Atlantic 10 into the Newport News family," says Newport News Mayor Joe S. Frank....
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I wanted to write in and tell everyone just how wonderful of an experience I had at Dr. Cancell's office recently, he is the podiatrist in town. Eleven days ago while I was visiting my parents who live in Cape May Court House, NJ I injured my foot. On the following Sunday the pain was so bad I had to go to the emergency department at Cape Regional Hospital (formally Burdette Tomlin Memorial Hospital. On a side note I was recently laid off from my position as Catering Sales Manager at Top of the Tower and just at the end of July I lost my health insurance. Anyhow, I was taken care of in the waiting room of the hospital. I was told I had a fracture of my foot and given a partial cast right there in the hallway and told since I am a charity care case to...
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Newly Released Records Prove Jon Corzine Asleep at the Switch While Taxpayer Dollars Abused and Wasted PARSIPPANY, NJ - Today's news of wasted dollars across multiple government agencies is shocking in its scope, but not surprising considering the recent news of misused and abused taxpayer dollars in Corzine's Developmental Disabilities Department and the New Jersey Redevelopment Authority. The fact that this practice is commonplace throughout Corzine's Administration gets at the root of New Jersey's growing economic problems. While New Jerseyans continue to be overwhelmingly taxed, Governor Corzine's Administration is guilty of wasting and abusing the tax dollars of hard-working New Jerseyans. For four years now, Governor Corzine's inaction has encouraged the corruption as he continues to raise taxes to make up for disappearing dollars. Despite making promises of controlling waste, Governor Corzine has caved to political pressure from his party and abandoned his lofty campaign promises. Efforts to establish an...
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Gloucester City will be interviewing for the Provisional Positions of Construction Code Official and Plumbing Sub Code Official on Friday, August 28. These positions are presently held by Robert Scouler who submitted a letter of resignation on August 19, 2009 stating he will retire on August 31, 2009. Anyone interested in applying for these positions must submit your resume by Thursday, August 27, 2009 to the City Clerk’s Office, 512 Monmouth Street. Note from Bill: This Notice was found today while surfing on the Internet. Posted as a public service announcement this is not a paid advertisement.
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At approximately 1 PM today Gloucester City Police and EMS responded to a call about a dead person found at a home in the 800 unit block of Jersey Avenue. The Camden County Prosecutor’s Office and Camden County Medical Examiner have been notified. A City Police spokesperson said the incident is still under investigation, however at this time it appears the decease person died of natural causes. Related articles by Zemanta Three Juveniles Arrested for Making Homemade Bomb ( Brooklawn Police Blotter for June and May (
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By Sara Martino GLOUCESTER CITY-A professional staff with a combined 36 years of experience will be on hand to greet you when you visit the new bath design etc. showroom which is now located at 520 S. Broadway , Gloucester City. The showroom which previously was located at Broadway and Division Street, had a grand opening in May 2008 with a new façade of stucco and stone thanks to a grant from the UEZ. PHOTO: Bath Designs etc, 520 South Broadway Lori Kenney and her staff can offer cost saving ways to accommodate the customer’s budget in these challenging, but exciting economic times. Lori’s father, Ray Palombo started the plumbing supply business,Gloucester Plumbing Supply, that has been family owned and operated for over 40 years. “Plumbers still speak about him,” Lori said. “”When dimensions and floor plans are brought to the showroom, we can make recommendations to match your needs,”...
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Setting the record straight: The NALC issued a point-by-point rebuttal of a grossly inaccurate, partisan attack on the Postal Service and its 700,000 employees, perpetrated by by the House Republican Conference in an underhanded bid to derail health care reform. “This smear cannot go unanswered,” NALC President Fredric V. Rolando said. “This attack on America’s most trusted agency is deliberately misleading and unjustifiably undermines public support for the Postal Service.” NALC statement—summary | full text via www.nalc.orgRelated articles by Zemanta Commentary: About that Saturday mail ... (
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By Sara Martino GLOUCESTER CITY-“We have always strived to please our customers with economical prices in our Hardware Store. Now, with the decline in the economy, our customers are more attune in spending their money, and they know we have always tried to save them a $1 or $2,” said Frank Carr. Frank along with his mother, Jean and his sisters Sue and Kathy, provide special service to their customers whether they come in for one light bulb or one set of screws. One customer, Joe Matter, was in the store looking for a couple of 6’ screws, Frank went to the aisle and immediately had what Joe wanted. PHOTO: Frank Carr stocking store shelves “We enjoy helping our customers at Carr’s” said Tom Neunheuser, who is a city resident and a part-time employee. Dave Quicksell is another part-time employee. Larger home supply stores would not be able to provide...
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Commentary by Hank F. Miller Jr. I have obtained more information after quite a lot of research regarding foreign residency in Japan ,making it easier to keep tabs on foreigners who have overstayed their visas and who have been residing in Japan legally . The Japanese Lower and Upper House is also expected to pass bills,which have the support of both the Liberal Democratic Party-New Komeito ruling block and the Democratic Party of Japan,the largest opposition party. The Immigration Bureau and lawmakers worked out the bills to reduce the number of undocumented foreign residence,which the bureau estimates presently to be about 110,000. "The bills suggest the government has its sights on cracking down on all undocumented foreigners,"Said Amnesty International Japan official Sonoko Kawakami."But it remains unclear how people in a difficult situation,like those applying for refugee status,will be dealt with." The bills will abolish the Alien Registration Act and the...
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By Sara Martino As members of the Better Business Bureau, Gloucester City Business Association, Knights of Columbus and the Professions Automotive Technician Association, the owners and staff of Gloucester Transmissions are dedicated to providing excellent service to their customers. Joe Carlino said the present transmission and repair facility was formerly owned in the ‘40’s by Bucky Caldwell who ran a car service garage for Buick Cars. At one time the facility was also known as the Buss Business. “We honor the on-going tradition of honest relationships. Many customers that come into the shop are third generation repeaters,” Carlino said. PHOTO: Gloucester Transmission Staff hard at work. Rich Malatesta, manager and transmission specialist, said he fully understands the effects of the economy situation on the financial health of car owners. “We sympathize with working people who rely on their vehicles for transportation We are here to offer help and can give...
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Mid*Week's return was a blessing for all, helping to guarantee robust crowds for Antiques Week in New Hampshire and a payday for local merchants. "In a down economy, this is the first step to a strong recovery," said Bob Bockius of Mitchell Displays, a Westville, N.J., company that builds antiques shows. Mid*Week exhibitors are eager to return to the venue, which, alas, is for sale. via
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Photo by Bill Bates MUSTANGS COLLIDE - Shortly after 8 am on Tuesday, August 25, 2009 Mount Ephraim Fire and EMS was dispatched for a motor vehicle accident (MVA) on the Black Horse Pike and Thompson Avenue. Squad 45 arrived to a 2 car MVA. Firefighters contained the fluids on the roadway as EMS treated and signed a refusal for transport. No other injuries were reported on scene.Related articles by Zemanta MOUNT EPHRAIM: Vehicle Fire, No Injuries ( Woman dies in 'freak' parking garage accident ( Sen. Ted Kennedy Dead At 77 ( Chris Brown Sentenced to Five Years' Probation; Judge Issues Warning on Rihanna "Chatter" (
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Image via Wikipedia WASHINGTON - The 300,000-member National Association of Letter Carriers (AFL-CIO) announced today that it has selected Philadelphia as the site of the 69 th Biennial NALC National Convention in 2014. NALC President Fredric V. Rolando said the convention, one of the largest in the union movement, will be held July 21-25, 2014 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia. The NALC’s last convention, in 2008 in Boston, attracted more than 7,400 voting delegates. “The NALC and letter carriers across the nation are excited about returning to the City of Brotherly Love where we can conduct our important business sessions in modern, union-operated convention facilities, accompanied by an outstanding selection of unionized hotels within close proximity,” Rolando said. The convention host will be NALC Philadelphia Branch 157, which also was the host for the 63 rd Biennial Convention in 2002. The vote by the union’s 28-member Executive Council...
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PHOTO: A view of the Walt Whitman Bridge from Proprietor's Park in Gloucester City NJ. photo by Bill There will be a special, first time ever event along the waterfront this fall – an Art Festival. The Gloucester City Cultural Arts and Heritage Society is planning its first annual Art Festival Saturday, September 26, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Proprietor’s Park. The group met August 9 at Troxie's Chicken and Pizza on Broadway to set down ideas, and will have a follow-up meeting Wednesday, September 23, at Heavy’s on the Harbor, Jersey Avenue, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. During the Festival, some seven bands will perform under the pavilion overlooking the Delaware River. Bring lawn chairs and listen to different types of music from hip hop, jazz, and 50's style. Along the walkway there will be vendors and crafters. The cost is $15 for table space for...
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Image via Wikipedia The 2009 “Firearms Law & The Second Amendment Symposium” will be held on Saturday, September 12, at Northwestern University Law School, in Chicago, Illinois. This event will be hosted by The NRA Foundation and the Northwestern University chapter of the Federalist Society. Capitalizing on recent developments in our nation’s federal courts regarding the Second Amendment, panelists will discuss and debate current Second Amendment scholarship and related issues. Featured panelists at this year’s event will include scholars on the Second Amendment such as Professors Nelson Lund and Michael O’Shea, and other scholars including Clayton Cramer, David Kopel, and others. This event promises to present a thought provoking discussion of one of the most relevant and important freedoms in the Bill of Rights. Each Symposium registrant will receive a packet containing the panelists’ written materials on the subject- an excellent source for future reference. For guests who are attorneys,...
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T he floods on King Street must be frustrating for homeowners, but I don't think the police should be disparaged. I am referring to the resident on King Street who stated to the Gloucester City News: "I called the police right around 5 p.m. and asked to have them block the intersection. It took them almost half an hour to do that!" The August 13th Gloucester City News reported the police department responded to 1,445 calls during July. That is a little more than 46 calls per day; a lot of calls for this small town. Realize that a call requesting a road barricade can be among calls for help with assaults, burglaries, car crashes, harassments, drug activity, vandalism, etc. So, I am surprised the police took only half an hour to block the intersection. That is an impressive response time with all things considered! Also, I read with disbelief...
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8/22/09: Officers responded to Gloucester Catholic High School for a report of (2) suspects trying to gain entry into the school. Upon arrival, a witness directed officers to a window on the Ridgeway St. side of the building between the school and the old Convent. The witness observed a suspect climb through the window and then moments later open the Ridgeway St. door and let the other suspect into the building. PHOTO: Sgt. Steve Burkhardt/K-9 Eich After a representative from the school arrived with a key, a K-9 search of the building was conducted, turning up no suspects. Officers reviewed the surveillance tape and observed (2) males enter the building and then quickly exit the building via the Sussex St. door. Investigation is ongoing pending identification of the males. PHOTO: Officer Jason Flood/K-9 Marco In other matters, 8/19/09: At 6:18 a.m. a female staying at the Budget Inn reported while...
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HARRISBURG – Pennsylvania Game Commission Executive Director Carl G. Roe today announced that the agency has made its selections for the 2009-10 migratory game bird hunting seasons and bag limits. Annual waterfowl seasons are selected by states from a framework established by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Game Commission selections were made after reviewing last year’s season results, waterfowl survey data, and input gathered from waterfowl hunters and the public. Final approval from the USFWS is expected by late September. Roe also noted that the Game Commission again has posted the waterfowl season brochure and maps on its website ( The agency currently is mass-producing brochures to be distributed to U.S. Post Offices within the next two weeks. “Many hunters already have purchased their hunting licenses and federal waterfowl stamps in anticipation of the season,” Roe said. “For their convenience, in addition to being able to pick up the...
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Funeral services are being held at Etherington-Creran Funeral Home, 700 Powell St. Gloucester City, Wednesday, August 19, from 6 to 8 p.m. for Charles H. Griffith, 85, a lifelong resident of Gloucester City, who passed away on August 15, 2009, peacefully at his home, surrounded by his loving family. Beloved husband for 57 years to Julia B. (nee Herman), loving father of Barbara Canant (Russell) of Harrah, OK, Joseph of Bellmawr, Frank of Gloucester, William (Kimberly), of Bellmawr and Linda Griffith-Boldizar (Christopher) of Bellmawr, devoted grandfather of Jason, Christine, Joseph, Jamie, Corrin, Nicole, Kelsey, Paige and the late Lindsey and great grandfather to Max and Penelope. He was also the dear brother of Charlotte Ritchie, Carrie Garton, Ella Schemelia, Rose Hoe, James and the late Henry, a dear brother-in-law, also dear uncle to many caring nieces and nephews. Mr. Griffith was a proud army veteran of WWII having served with...
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First Brooklawn Reunion, Last Shoprite Brooklawn Wiffleball Tourney, September 4-5 Gloucester City Planning Board OKs Site Plan Waiver For New Bar On Jersey Avenue Gloucester City Officials Dedicate Plaque Where Huggs Tavern Once Stood In Proprietor’s Park Gloucester City Schooner ‘North Wind’ Board Reports Great Progress Feature Stories On Three Businesses, Sponsored By The Gloucester City UEZ Related articles by Zemanta Brooklawn Police Blotter for June and May ( Feds not on board new N.J. rail line (
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TIPS AND SNIPPETS: By Bill Cleary TIP…It Is Official-Gloucester City Mayor and Council approved the appointments of Lt. George Berglund as acting Police Chief and Lt. Ken Eller as acting Deputy Police Chief at the Thursday August 20th caucus meeting. They will be replacing Chief William Crothers (28 years of service) and Deputy Chief Michael Kaye (27 years of service) who are retiring the end of August. Berglund has 21 years with the Police Department and Eller 20 years. They both have Associate Degrees and graduated from the West Point Command and Leadership Program which is an intensive course spread over 16 weeks. With Crothers and Kaye leaving the Police Department the force is reduced to 27 officers. SNIPPET…No Need for Life Preservers (for now)-Even though we had several days of heavy rain showers this weekend there has been no flooding on King Street near the Mill Block Homes, which...
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To Whom It May Concern: My husband and I would like to donate a lovely, upright grand piano and matching bench to a worthy cause. I purchased it for my son who is a performing artist. He no longer plays it and we would like to find it a good home! It is in great shape, in tune, and much loved. If there is any church, school, or organization in Gloucester City that would like to have it please write to us, Dawn and Dan Watson, at 700 Market Street. Tell us about your school, church, or organization and why you would like to have a piano. We will review the applicants and choose the one with the most need. The winner will have to move the piano to your location. Oh, and Dan and I would like to visit it, once in awhile! Folks can also send the letters...
Read more → Friday, August 21, 2009 Since its creation, Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) has signed up a large number of committed anti-gun politicians to its ranks. It has also signed up some politicians who failed to realize the true anti-gun nature of MAIG. A number of those mayors have resigned their membership when they learned the truth. This past week, yet another mayor, Village of Walton Hills, Ohio Mayor Marlene Anielski (R), has resigned her membership. Mayor Anielski informed the Buckeye Firearms Association of her decision, reporting that she had not realized the real agenda of MAIG. In fact, she reported, she and her husband are NRA life members! With the ongoing effort by MAIG to mislead the public and even its own members on its true agenda, it is no surprise that some mayors are choosing to leave the group. How many more mayors don't know what MAIG is...
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WHAT'S NEW: Black bear complaints in New Jersey are up sharply over a year ago, renewing concerns over what the state should do about its growing bruin population. From Jan. 1 through June 20, the state Division of Fish and Wildlife received 1,212 complaints — up from 1,006 during the same period a year ago. That includes a spike in the most serious complaints, so-called "Category 1" incidents in which a bear poses a danger to humans, pets, livestock or property and can be euthanized. So far, there have been 109 Category 1 incidents this year, compared with 84 in 2008. via Related articles by Zemanta N.J. residents learn to bear it ( Studying the Delaware River (
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The stimulus money will allow the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to direct all $16 million in the annual budget toward Gloucester City, including a project next month near the football and baseball fields along Johnson Boulevard. "EPA believes that the cleanup of the General Gas Mantle property will serve as a catalyst for redevelopment of the area," spokeswoman Elizabeth Totman said. "It's also, clearly, accelerating the time frame of the overall cleanup of the site." In the early 20th century, Welsbach in Gloucester City was America's largest manufacturer of gas mantles, a precursor to the lightbulb. via www.philly.comRelated articles by Zemanta What Kind of Business Do We Need in Gloucester City? ( Stolen Laptops; New Supervisors; $11 Million Budgeted for City Employees Salaries,Wages, Benefits; $2 Million Lawsuit; Anti-Graffiti Ordinance ( Gloucester City Historical SOCIETY NEEDS VOLUNTEERS ( Cheers and Jeers for April (
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Children from Saint Mary Grammar School Fourth Grade Class took a cruise on Gloucester City’s schooner The NorthWind on June 16th. Twenty six children and their teacher, along with two adult chaparones enjoyed the field trip on the Delaware River. By Bill Cleary The Board of Directors for the Gloucester City Schooner released the following statement on the progress the group has made throughout the past year. We are very happy to report the following: Operational expenses for the schooner are completely covered through charter fees The "North Wind" is the only certified charter schooner on the Delaware River including Philadelphia All volunteer Captain and Crew All community organizations receive a 50% discount on charter fees A maritime youth training program beginning this fall for area youth, starting with our Youth Maritime Day on August 29th The Board of Directors is holding our first fund raising event on September 10th...
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PRLog (Press Release) – Aug 20, 2009 GLOUCESTER CITY, NJ - Cutting Technologies (CTI) has received a notice of award from Bechtel Power Corporation to provide selective demolition services to the Extended Power Uprate Project at the Point Beach Nuclear Plant in Two Rivers, Wisconsin. According to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) website, the project is expected to increase the energy output of each of the plant’s two reactor unit’s by 1.4 percent, resulting in an additional 43 MWt of electricity production. John Langer, CTI’s project manager and engineer for the project, said, “We are pleased and honored to have been chosen for the job.” He added, “We’ve been fortunate to partner with Bechtel on several successful nuclear projects in the past, and I’m confident this one will be an equally rewarding experience.” The project, which is scheduled to begin in August 2009 and run for five weeks, will...
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The NJ DEP Division of Fish and Wildlife has posted the 2009 Hunting Issue of the Fish and Wildlife DIGEST on its website in PDF format. The Digest contains a summary of rules and regulations, as well as related information, for the 2009-2010 hunting seasons. The Digest can be accessed from in its entirety and in segments. The print version will be arriving at license agents next week.Related articles by Zemanta Skillful Angler Awards ( Art and Essay Contest Winners Visit Sedge Island ( 2009-2012 NJ Game Code Amendments Adopted (
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Wal-Mart Stores Inc. of Bentonville, Arkansas, just recalled about 1.5 million Durabrand DVD Players, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) just announced. The DVD players can overheat, posing a fire and burn hazard to consumers. To date, Wal-Mart has received 12 reports of DVD players overheating, five of which have resulted in fires that caused property damage. No injuries have yet been reported. This Durabrand DVD recall involves a single DVD player with a remote control. The device is silver-colored and has a U-shaped opening at the top to insert the DVD. The DVD’s sold for about $29 exclusively at Wal-Mart stores nationwide from January 2006 through July 2009. The recalled Durabrand DVD Players were manufactured in China. The CPSC is advising consumers to immediately stop using the recalled Durabrand DVD Player and return it to the nearest Wal-Mart for a full refund. Wal-Mart can be reached toll-free at...
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WASHINGTON – Exxon-Mobil Corporation, the world’s largest publicly traded oil and gas company, pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court in Denver to violating the federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) in five states during the past five years, the Justice Department announced today. The company has agreed to pay fines and community service payments totaling $600,000 and will implement an environmental compliance plan over the next three years aimed at preventing bird deaths on the company’s facilities in the affected states. According to papers filed in court, the company has already spent over $2.5 million to begin implementation of the plan. The charges stem from the deaths of approximately 85 protected birds, including waterfowl, hawks and owls, at Exxon-Mobil drilling and production facilities in Colorado, Wyoming, Oklahoma, Texas and Kansas between 2004 and 2009. According to the charges and other information presented in court, most of the birds died after...
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By Army Sgt. Will Hill Special to American Forces Press Service CAMP ATTERBURY JOINT MANEUVER TRAINING CENTER, Ind, Aug. 20, 2009 - Many programs help military members' families during a deployment, but what about their four-legged friends? Guardian Angels for Soldier's Pet, a nonprofit volunteer group, arranges foster care for the pets of deploying servicemembers. U.S. Army photo (Click photo for screen-resolution image);high-resolution image available. Guardian Angels for Soldier's Pet, a nonprofit organization made up of all volunteers, locates foster homes for the pets of servicemembers who are deployed, training or experiencing an emergency or financial hardship. Linda Spurlin-Dominik, the group's chief executive officer, said the group was formed in January 2005 after the founders learned that troops across the country had pets that needed a loving and safe home while their owners were deployed to Iraq, Afghanistan and other designated combat areas. "Soldiers had no options with their pets...
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A father and son went hunting together for the first time. The father said: "Stay here and be very QUIET. I'll be across the field." A few minutes later the father heard a blood-curdling scream. And ran back to his son. "What's wrong?" the father asked. "I told you to be quiet." The boy, bless his heart, answered; "Look, I was quiet when the snake slithered across my feet. I was quiet when the bear breathed down my neck. I didn't move a muscle when the skunk climbed over my shoulder. I closed my eyes and held my breath when the wasp stung me. I didn't cough when I swallowed the gnat . . . I didn't cuss or scratch when the poison oak started itching. But when the two chipmunks crawled up my pant legs and said, 'Should we eat them here or take them with us?' Well, I...
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Why do we need more police in Brooklawn? You have enough as it is now. What will happen after three years when the government doesn’t fund the police force? Is Brooklawn going to tax the people for it? Stephen S. Tremback, Gloucester City Gloucester City News August 13th Related articles by Zemanta CHEERS AND JEERS FOR The Month of JULY ( Cheers and Jeers for April ( Brooklawn Police Blotter for June and May (
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( -- The nation’s Catholic bishops have told Congress that they oppose H.R. 3200, America’s Affordable Health Choices Act, as it currently stands, because the health-care reform bill would mandate funding and insurance coverage for abortion. In an August 11 letter to members of the House of Representatives, Cardinal Justin Rigali, chairman of the pro-life committee of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (U.S.C.C), told lawmakers that health-care reform must “respect human life and rights of conscience in the context of abortion.” via
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By Air Force Tech. Sgt. Michael Voss Special to American Forces Press Service RAMSTEIN AIR BASE, Germany, Aug. 21, 2009 - The Kaiserslautern Military Community American Little League all-star team begins its quest for the Little League World Series title today in Williamsport, Pa. The team earned the right to represent Europe in the tournament by beating Ukraine 10-0 in the European title game Aug. 11 in Kutno, Poland. It's the first time since 1999, when a team from here represented Europe, that a Defense Department team has made it to Williamsport where the series is played every year. The Kaiserslautern team is competing in the tournament's international bracket. That bracket's winner will play the United States bracket winner for the Little League World Series championship Aug. 30. "These kids are on Cloud 9 right now," said Air Force Chief Master Sgt. Dennis Daubert, father of center fielder Tylour Daubert,...
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By Chris Concannon NEWS Correspondent Some 200 people participated in the 6th Annual Nicholas J. Parisi Scholarship Foundation Fun Day recently at the Bellmawr Recreation Centre. Parisi was an Iraq War veteran of the U.S. Army, and member of Bellmawr Fire Department Station 32. While rock climbing near his base in Colorado, he fell and died in April of 2004. Immediately, his family, along with the Bellmawr Fire Department, developed plans for the tournament, which raises money for annual sports scholarships. Nick’s father, Mike Parisi Sr., said they normally draw 20 teams or better each year, and the softball entry fees alone would net nearly $5000. He said the average total donations are $6,000 to $8,000 each year. Besides games played at the Rec Centre and Anderson Avenue ball fields, remote games were played in Gloucester Township. Softball was not the only thing on the day’s menu. A DJ, moon...
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