Bellmawr Board Honors Longtime Custodian Frank Jankowski Sr.
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
By Chris Concannon
NEWS Correspondent
Retiring E.M. Burke Custodian Frank Jankowski Sr. was honored during the Bellmawr Board of Education (BOE) June meeting for his 37 years of service to the School District.
In remarks recognizing the long-time employee, Board Member Mike Williams praised the elder Jankowski, father of current Burke Principal Frank Jankowski Jr., by saying that not only was he a great employee, but a great friend.
Board President Jody Mangus thanked Mr. Jankowski for his many years of service as well.
The meeting began at 5 p.m., with a Board Retreat that was open to the public.
Superintendent Annette Castiglione presented the Action Report Update, an expansive report encompassing some 50 different targeted elements of current and future district goals.
Further analysis of the action plan, available at, reveals that more than 60 percent of the goals have been accomplished, including community meetings, with the majority of the balance listed as ongoing, namely analyzing school infrastructures and conducting needs assessments.
Infrastructure plans have long-been a vision of Castiglione, as noted in an interview in the January 22 edition of the Gloucester City News. She cited recent approval for improvements to the electrical system at Bellmawr Park School as part of those ongoing goals.
The Superintendent also commented on goals identified by the Board, stressing the need to make these goals an ongoing project.
She said an annual Public Report will be issued in August of this year.
Castiglione, Interim Business Administrator N. John Amato, all three School principals, and all seven BOE members attended the Board Retreat.
Under Committee reports, Jeff Brickner commented on EMC plans, and Tracy Shinkarow commented on the Board Retreat.
Mangus said only one resident attended the earlier portion of the retreat, which was advertised, and re-iterated that all meetings are open to the public, but she only sees the same few faces each time.
Jamie Casey commented on staff additions, Mike Williams commented on the Policy Committee, and Mangus commented on the Education Committee, touching briefly on the QSAC Report.
In her report, Castiglione said the short-term QSAC Plan was due June 30, with the long-term plan due by Thursday, October 15.
During the public forum, Bellmawr BEA President Regina Andrews-Collette asked the Board to expand on the short-term deficiencies in the QSAC report.
The Superintendent cited recent concerns regarding Bellmawr Park School field trips, stemming from several parent concerns at their May PTO Meeting.
Bellmawr Park Principal Elizabeth Calabria suggested the possibility that the Bellmawr Park PTO would not sponsor future field trips, instead turning their efforts toward technology upgrades, supplementing teacher “mini-grants,” or focusing funding elsewhere, such as student assemblies.
Castiglione said the BOE cannot legally tell any of the PTO groups what to do with their funding.
Casey encouraged the public to address their concerns through the proper chain of command.
Mangus then expressed her thanks to the administration and staff for their work with the June 16 Eighth Grade Graduation, and went on to thank all Board members for their work throughout the year.
Also, she said there would be no July BOE Meeting. The next regular meeting is Tuesday, August 25.
She added that the Betty Sheppard Celebration will be Thursday, October 1.
reprinted from the Gloucester City News