Groups Against You and Your Family's Way of Life
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
It's hard to believe that we are at the mid-point of the "unofficial" summer months of June, July & August. I hope each of you is enjoying the outdoors and taking advantage of the agreeable weather.
Have you the chance to reel in a striper this year? Have you stood knee-deep in a gurgling stream while pulling in summer trout? Is the thought of a fall hunt beginning to creep into mind as you motor past the woods that hold your "lucky spot" or the fields where "man's best friend" last pointed for pheasant?
I certainly hope so. These are the simple treasures of life and are meant to be savored.
But you must know that in 2009 several new extremist groups and the old familiar radicals are doing their best to take the pleasures of the outdoors and our family menu choices away from us. Yes - these groups aren't just interested in taking away our outdoor liberties - they are headed by vegans or vegetarians with a mission to foist their lifestyle on all of us.
Protecting Animal Welfare PAC (PAWPAC)
Established in January 2009 to elect animal-friendly candidates to the New Jersey Legislature and pass animal protection laws. This organization is resolved to build an animal welfare organization capable of competing with animal industries in the political arena.
* Debora Bresch, Esq., Chair, Vegan
* Kevin Moore, Treasurer, Vegan
* Kathleen Schatzmann, Legislative Liaison, Vegetarian
The animal rights group PETA wants to use the Robbins Reef lighthouse off Bayonne and two others in Michigan to publicize what it says are the horrors of killing fish for food and sport.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals says it wants to use the Bayonne setting as the national headquarters for its "Fish Empathy Project."
Peta is a vegetarian/vegan organization. When questioned "Why do you try to force vegetarianism on others? Isn't it a personal choice?" Peta's official response is "From a moral standpoint, actions that harm others are not matters of personal choice."
The ARISE program, created by NJ Animal Rights Alliance (anti-fishing, anti-hunting) and is headed by Stuart Chiafetz, vegan. Arise is an initiative to eliminate animal research.
NB Pet Trusts
NB Pet Trusts is committed to providing a full range of pet trust
services to caring pet owners.
* Linda J. Niedweske, Esq. Represented the New Jersey Animal Rights Alliance on the Watchung Reservation Deer Management Committee.
* Kevin E. Barber, Esq. Argued before the New Jersey Appellate Court against the Bear Hunt.
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Your $25.membership in the NJOA is one of the few efforts standing between these groups and your liberties to fish, hunt, trap and conserve our state's natural resources.
The NJOA needs your membership to protect your freedoms from the onslaught of groups amassing their forces and finances to change our way of life.
Remember, in 2007 two legislators sponsored legislation that would have banned freshwater fishing and hunting. It was through all of our efforts that we stopped them - but they have been replaced by the groups mentioned above, and others.
Join the NJOA TODAY! Click (copy & paste) the link that follows: