Mt. Ephraim School Board Honors Students
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
By Leigh Anne Hubbs
NEWS Correspondent
GLOUCESTER CITY NEWS-During the recent Mount Ephraim Board of Education meeting, many students were recognized for their artistic and academic abilities, as well as for their generosity.
Principal Michael Hunter presented to the School Board members a certificate of appreciation which was awarded to students of Mary Bray School by American Legion Post 150, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6262 and Troop Support 08059 for their time and effort in supporting local men and women who are currently serving overseas.
The students' involvement began with a letter writing activity in observance of Memorial Day, but soon evolved into a wonderful project where each grade collected and donated various items that were later sent to the troops, items ranged from snacks to DVDs.
Board President Darlene Alexander said that supporting the troops in this way is a great life lesson for the students.
Of approximately 54,000 letters from across the United States submitted for the Letters about Literature contest, five students from Kershaw Middle School made it through to the third round and two made it through to the fourth round.
Eighth grade student Rachel Cosgrove and sixth grade student Jeanine Welsh were recognized for making it to the fourth round at Rutgers New Brunswick Winants Hall on Thursday, June 11.
Mount Ephraim Art Teacher Leigh Anne Arkema presented fifth grade student Benjamin Doherty and third grade student Colin J. Rapa-Slover each with an award for the portrait they created for the Beneficial Bank "Someone Special" Art Contest, which encourages the artistic abilities of Philadelphia-area students.
Students were instructed to create a portrait of someone who inspires them.
Benjamin Doherty drew Abraham Lincoln, and Colin J. Rapa-Slover drew Neil Armstrong.
After a visit from the fifth grade to the Constitution Center, an employee presented the students with the Rising Sun Award for Outstanding Conduct during their field trip.
There was an emotional moment as the School Board presented plaques to former members Kathryn E. Cain and Tina DeVita-Meeser for their 62 and 12 years, respectively, of service not only for Mount Ephraim School District, but the community as well.
Superintendent Joseph Rafferty thanked Michael Hunter and Board Secretary Melissa Raywood for their efforts relating to QSAC (Quality Single Accountability Continuum).
The English department was also thanked by Mr. Rafferty for their hard work with regard to Battle of the Books.
Mr. Rafferty explained to the meeting's attendants how the residency report conducted by Reese Investigation helps to protect tax payers by ensuring that all students who attend Mary Bray and Kershaw Schools do so rightfully.
The Board approved MollyAnne Light's guidance counseling practicum for the Fall of 2009, where she will complete a total of 500 hours under supervision at both Mary Bray and Kershaw schools.