NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

In Your Own Words: City Council Did Treat Municipal Clerk Fairly

In your Own Words: We are Begging, Pleading and Praying, Honor Your Agreement

17248 We, the remaining rent paying tenants at Chatham Square Apartments, are “begging, pleading and praying” that Gloucester City honors our lease and turns on the propane to our dryers.

There are senior citizens out here that have no way to carry wet clothes to a laundry mat miles up the road. We are limited to space in our apartments to hang laundry.

We have been put through countless life-interrupting occasions, including being evacuated. We have been forced to go to court to prove we pay rent, because of poor record keeping from past management, and forced to take on the impossible task of moving from one apartment building to another because of future renovations.

I have been a resident at Chatham Square Apartments for 22 years. We say “Enough” already! Give us what is rightfully ours and turn on the propane.

Pat Forker, Gloucester City

originally published in the Gloucester City News

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