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Tentative NJ 2009-2010 Migratory Bird Dates Set

May 18, 2009

The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection's Division of Fish and Wildlife (Division) and Fish and Game Council recently proposed tentative 2009-10 migratory bird hunting season dates.

The Division and Fish and Game Council are responsible for adopting migratory bird seasons within the frameworks prescribed in the Code of Federal Regulations promulgated by the U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service (Service).

The status of migratory birds is annually measured through the completion of numerous, continent-wide population monitoring surveys. Following review of these survey results and with consultation with the four Flyway Councils, hunting season frameworks for migratory birds are annually promulgated by the Service. Hunting season frameworks include bag limits, season length and outside opening and closing dates for a particular season.

The tentative 2009-10 New Jersey migratory bird hunting season dates are linked below. Although these regulation selections are expected to be approved by the Service, they will not be formally finalized through the Federal Register process until the conclusion of the public comment period in September. The 2009-10 Migratory Bird Regulations will be available at Division offices, license agents and sporting goods stores throughout the state in September.

Tentative 2009-2010 Migratory Bird Season Information (pdf, 19kb)

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