NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Quite! Sleeping Giant
Edward A. Hargrove of Deptford, president of Internet Sales at W. Hargrove Co.

March 2009 Cheer and Jeer Column

By Bill Cleary

A BIG CHEER to GHS girls’ basketball Coach Sean Gorman for guiding Notebook_and_pen this year’s team to a 27-3 record. With him at the helm the team won the school’s first South Jersey title in girls basketball and reached the Group I state championship. Included in the kudos are the members of the team.

CHEER-To the outstanding group who dedicated their Saturday to repair a roof for our own nuns here in Gloucester city that needed repair and a lack of funds to do it with. Thanks to volunteers who in spite of their own economics still try to help others to keep the fabric of our community together.

CHEER-To Saint Mary Grammar School, Gloucester City, on their 150th Anniversary. Fond memories of my eight years at St. Mary’s come to mind. Although it was years ago I have never forgotten my teachers. Such as Sister Agnes de Lourdes, Sister Ann, Sister Nicolas Marie, Sister Grace de Chantal, Sister Louis Bertram.  Let us pray that the St. Mary tradition continues for many more years to come.

JEER-To those school districts who allow their students to dress in pajama bottoms, baggy shorts and pants. Besides a sloppy looking appearance baggy pants could be interpreted as gang dress. Dressing as a gang member intimidates other students and spreads fear. I would ask school boards to consider adopting a school uniform for both boys and girls to wear. The intent of the uniform is to keep students safe and focused on academics.

JEER-To the Diocese of Camden for purchasing an 11-acre residence for $800,000 in Pittsgrove NJ to house five nuns. The new home is located on several acres comes complete with a horse stable, wet bar, a five-car garage and a fountain.  In these hard economic times the money could have been better spent in so many other places that are in real need of financial help.

JEER- To Mayor and Police Department who have made and broken promises to residents of North King Street to establish a Residential Parking Permit system to keep Holt employees from parking in front of homes near the terminal. Not only do these workers take up limited on-street parking, they leave trash on the road and sidewalks, disturb the peace with loud noise and profanity.  There IS a designated parking area for Holt employees, but if no one stops them why should they walk the extra 1/2 block? 

 JEER-To all the big rigs who idle their motors ALL NIGHT LONG in front of the Holt terminal entrance.  Despite the proliferation of "NO IDLE ZONE" signage, if no one is going to enforce the law, why should the truckers obey?  Last week,

an idling trucker was observed urinating in the "NO IDLING ZONE", a mere 35 yards from a residence.  According to Pastor Doster a call to Central Dispatch was made but no police ever showed up.  “It's puzzlement that Quality of Life is not a concern for certain parts of our city,” he said.

JEER-The national outrage over the scandalous bonuses paid to executives at AIG is fully justified, but the response in Congress doesn't make sense. Using the tax code as a weapon to exact revenge on a select few, no matter how badly they've behaved, is a horrible idea. Slapping heavy taxes on the bonuses and on the company that issued them may satisfy enraged taxpayers who see incompetent executives being rewarded for failure, but it sets a bad precedent.

JEER-Once again we have a NJ State Legislator being indicted. This time it was Assemblyman and former Perth Amboy mayor Joseph Vas on charges he conspired with city employees to steal approximately $5,000 in funds of the City of Perth Amboy to pay for personal purchases and expenses.

JEER-Spending $3 million to build a new firehouse in Mount Ephraim is against Governor Corzine’s directive that small municipalities should consolidate. According to newspaper reports the community of Bellmawr is also planning to build a new station at Browning and Bell, less than a ½ mile away from the site of the new Mt. Ephraim firehouse. Consolidation of services, school districts is the way to go for a more prosperous New Jersey.

JEER-To the parent of a player who recently punched a Gloucester City Little League Coach injuring him. And to all parents who become so emotional over a youth sporting event that they become violent and an embarrassment to their children who are just playing a GAME! Incidentally the coach suffered an injury to his shoulder. The parent was charged with aggravated assault. What is wrong with our society today? This seems to be an everyday occurrence. Parents of kids playing sports should just step aside an allow their youngsters to enjoy themselves.

Contributing to this month’s column was: Joe Murphy Jr., Len Lacovara, Pastor Jim Doster, Joseph Mc Crea.

Send your Cheer or Jeer for April's column to [email protected]


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