Hunting Deer and Shooting Trees
Thursday, January 01, 2009
When the lead bullet rolled out of the end of the musket, the huge buck just seemed to smirk at my friend, pause, then run to tell his herd about the idiot who forgot to pack the powder! My friend hadn't hunted for twenty years, and recalled that the sarcastic deer " ... posed for a shot only 20 yards in front of me! I pulled the trigger and then, BOOM! Then turned to my partner and said 'Why isn't he falling!?
If you've hunted, you have your stories. My uncle once fell out of his deer blind onto the deer while drawing his bow. Another friend had his belt snap while climbing a tree and hung upside down by his boots after being knocked out when he back of his head slammed the tree. Nearly died there while his son snuggled in his deer blind just a hundred yards through the woods.