NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Memories: President Jimmy Carter visits Gloucester City
Thomas E. Parker, Gloucester County employee, member of Colonial Fire House, Ambulance Volunteer, amateur photographer

Video: Christmas in Bellmawr

Mark Matthews' Blog: .

The last night for the event is Sunday December 14th, 6-9pm. The town, volunteers, and Business Sponsors did a great job setting this up... and it obviously took a lot of time and effort. So I am trying something a little new with this post. Video! I went over with my camera and a new camcorder.... and after having some technical difficulties with the necessary tripod for still photos at night, I decided to try out the video. Now go easy on me. The video may be a little amateurish or tacky, and it ends abruptly.... but remember its Christmas!

Click link above to view video
