NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Thomas E. Parker, Gloucester County employee, member of Colonial Fire House, Ambulance Volunteer, amateur photographer
Inquirer All-South Jersey Football Team

TD Club honors top players Wed.
Seniors Chad Gravinese of Clearview, Gerry Pacitti of West Deptford, Harry Amwake of Gloucester Catholic and Corey Gilchrist of Paulsboro will be honored as Linemen of the Year. Glassboro senior Ricky Tunstall and Pennsville senior Ryan Karr will be honored as Receivers of the Year.  Reservations are required for the banquet, which will start promptly at 7 p.m. Tickets for the sit-down dinner are $35 and are available by contacting Herb Neilio at 468-2000 during the day or 456-2558 after 5 p.m. The deadline for tickets is Monday, Dec. 15.
