NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Caucus Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council of Gloucester City
Clemetines brighten the day in Gloucester City facility

Regular Monthly Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council of Gloucester City

Thursday, December 18, 2008 City Hall, 313 MONMOUTH STREET


1. Call Meeting to Order:

2. Pledge of Allegiance:

3. Roll Call:

4. Open Public Meetings Act Notice: This meeting is being held in accordance with the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act, otherwise known as the “Sunshine Law.” It has been legally noticed in accordance with the law and copies have been given to those requesting the same.

5. Oath of Office:

a) Wayne Bird, Sr. – Volunteer Firefighter

b) Joseph Tuttle – Firefighter/EMT

6. Resolutions

R318 Providing for Budget Transfers

R319 Requesting Permission of the Director of Local Government Services to Anticipate Special Item of Revenue in the 2008 Budget of the City of Gloucester City Pursuant to NJSA 40A:4-87 (Chapter 159, P.L. 1948)

R320 Requesting Permission of the Director of Local Government Services to Anticipate Special Item of Revenue in the 2008 Budget of the City of Gloucester City Pursuant to NJSA 40A:4-87 (Chapter 159, P.L. 1948)

R321 Authorizing Execution of a Professional Services Contract with John Milner Associates, Inc.

R322 Accepting a Grant from the New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety

R323 Making Adjustment to Tax Records

R324 Authorizing Senior and Veterans Deductions

R325 Returning Overpayments on Various Tax Records

R326 Correcting Billing Charges on Utility Records

R327 Returning Overpayments on Various Utility Records

R328 Placing Municipal Charges on Tax Properties Where Service Work was Ordered by the Gloucester City Housing Department and Performed by the Gloucester City Public Works Department and/or Other Charges Incurred as noted on the Schedule

R329 Redeeming Lien on Block 37, Lot 1

R330 Authorizing Refunds on the Planning and Zoning Board Escrow Account

R331 Authorizing Economic Development Loan from the City of Gloucester City Economic Development Loan Program for Peter Prelas (Hoagie Heaven)

R332 Authorizing Renewal of 2008-2009 Plenary Retail Consumption License (0414-33-005-002)

R333 Authorizing State Contract for Purchase of One (1) 2009 Ford F250 Pick Up Truck for the Gloucester City Public Works Department

7. Ordinances: for second reading and public hearing this evening:

O24 Providing for the Reconstruction of Various Streets by the City of Gloucester City and Appropriating Therefor the Sum of $75,000 from the Capital Improvement Fund of the General Capital Fund

8. Old Business/New Business:

a) Bills paid from Nov. 21st to Dec. 17th , 2008 $ 498,108.15

Bills approved on Dec. 18th , 2008 $ 353,226.91


Total amount being approved $ 851,335.06

9. New Business:


10. Open Forum:

The Governing Body has approved the following rules governing the procedures of the Open (General) Public Forum: Any citizen or taxpayer wishing to address the Governing Body may do so after approaching the rail, stating his or her name and address and being recognized by the chair. Said citizen or taxpayer will then be permitted to address the Governing Body for five minutes. After all persons wishing to address the Governing Body have had the opportunity, persons may approach the rail for a second and final five-minute interval during this session.

11. Adjournment:
