NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

« November 2008 | Main | January 2009 »

December 2008

TIPS AND SNIPPETS: $10 Million Renovation Plan for Pier, 73 Homes in Foreclosure in 08030, Top 10 Company located in Bellmawr

The City of Gloucester City recently submitted a multi-page request to the Delaware River Port Authority for $10 million to help pay for proposed renovations to the old Coast Guard Pier. The chances of the DPRA granting the request is a long shot but as one local official said, "it is worth a try. DPRA EYES 18.3 SPENDING HIKE: Speaking of the DPRA, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer ( the Authority will spend $281.5 million next year, about 18.3 percent more than this year, if its proposed operating budget is approved by the agency's board on Wednesday, Dec. 10th. Since a $1 toll increase was imposed in September, bridge traffic has dropped about 7 percent. So DRPA's 2009 budget anticipates $45 million more from drivers than in 2008, instead of $55 million more, as originally expected. Here is some disturbing news, there are 151 homes for sale in the 08030... Read more →

Deptford: Fire Station on Fire

12-8-2008 22:15hrs 1830 Delsea Drive New Sharon Station Chief 9201 (Thomas) arrived with heavy smoke showing from the fire station, the 2nd alarm was transmitted, firefighters were able to remove 1 fire engine from the fire station. One pumper and one power wagon sustained heavy damage. The Gloucester County Fire Marshal and Deptford Twp Fire Marshal are investigating . Steve Skipton Photos Related articles by Zemanta Thorofare Section of West Deptford: Fire Laurel Ave., no injuries reported West Collingswood Hts: Fire at Grease Monkey, no injuries reported Read more →

Mt. Ephraim Commissioners Applaud Local resident, Capt. Rodger Taylor

Bill Bates Mount Ephraim NEWS Correspondent The Mount Ephraim Board of Commissioners opened up the monthly December meeting by reading a proclamation publicly recognizing and applauding Freedom Ferry Captain Rodger Taylor, a Mount Ephraim resident, and his crew for their actions taken on the afternoon of August 5. Captain Taylor and his crew keenly observed a woman in distress in the Delaware River and quickly activated his crew to commence a rescue effort to assist the unidentified unresponsive women. Deckhand Matthew Taylor jumped into the water to help save the woman and was assisted by Zachary Tannoia and Kevin Fisher in getting the woman to shore. A congratulation was given to newly appointed Acting Borough Clerk Marie Darlington who took office earlier in the month. Public hearing and second readings were read and carried for several items including an ordinance amending chapter 75A entitled “brush, grass and weeds” to change... Read more →


A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated at Sacred Heart Church, Mount Ephraim, for Alma R. Banecker, (nee Finnegan), 87, of Mount Ephraim, who died November 25, 2008. Mrs. Banecker was a graduate of Haddon Heights High School Class of 1940. She was also a longtime parishioner of Sacred Heart Church in Mount Ephraim. Beloved wife of the late Harry J. Banecker, Jr. Devoted mother of Kathleen (Raymond) Greener, Martin (Deborah) Banecker, Frank (Loretta) Banecker, Thomas (Debbie) Banecker, Gerald (Roseanne) Banecker. Dear sister of Frances (David) Kemner and predeceased by nine other brothers and sisters. Loving grandmother of thirteen and four great-grandchildren. Also numerous nieces and nephews. Interment was in New Saint Mary’s Cemetery, Bellmawr. Read more →

Gloucester City Headlines December 11th

*A Gloucester City Christmas A Huge Success *Will The New Spectrum Be Built In Bellmawr? *Mount Ephraim Commissioners Praise Heroes *Mount Ephraim Christmas Parade This Saturday, December 13 *Gloucester City Marina Building Catches On Fire *Bellmawr Borough Lights Christmas Tree Read more →

Lillian "Caroline" Roberts 1959 Graduate of Haddonfield High School; Comcast Cable Employee

ROBERTS Lillian “Caroline” On November 30, 2008. Age 67. Of Sewell. Formerly of Haddonfield and Somerdale. Survived by her dear and beloved friend Paul Cimino of Sewell. Caroline was born in Fort Kent, Maine and was a 1959 graduate of Haddonfield High School. Caroline worked at Comcast Cable as a Customer Account Representative for 18 years. At Caroline’s request, Cremation is private and there will be no services. Expressions of sympathy can be e-mailed to the funeral home through our funeral home website under online obituaries of Lillian “Caroline” Roberts. Funeral Arrangements and Inquiries may be made through: McCANN-HEALEY FUNERAL HOME: 851 Monmouth Street, Gloucester City. Ph: 856-456-1142. Read more →

Brooklawn resident Jenai Gonzales Involved with Jump Start Program

Courier-Post. For at least 300 hours this academic year, Gonzales and Enijah are paired in an after-school program called Jumpstart that is designed to add literacy and basic skills enrichment to preschool-aged children already enrolled in school at LEAP. "I just love to see her smile, and the progress she's making in every Jumpstart session. Every day, I ask about the books we're reading. It's neat to see the things they pick up," said Gonzales, a child studies and psychology major from Brooklawn. "Hopefully, 15 years from now, these kids will be the college students." Read more →

Bellmawr claims Junior championship

- The team finished with a 10-1 record and division title this season, which was aided by the offensive and defensive line play of Zach Piersa, Damien Harris and Bryan Brennan. The line also helped quarterback Jake McGlinchey score both touchdowns in the Super Bowl win, the second of which came as Bellmawr trailed 7-6 late in the first half. Read more →

Rams Brian Knell and Lions Ian Harter win Stiles Memorial Award

GLOUCESTER CITY NJ-The seventh annual “Joe Stiles Memorial War” was presented to Gloucester Catholic’s Brian Knell and Gloucester City High’s Ian Harter before the kickoff of the City Series Thanksgiving football game held at Gloucester High School. Presenting the awards were Karen and Michaelene Stiles. . The Stiles Award is given to a senior football player from both schools who are nominated by a vote of the student’s peers – in this case, other members of the respective football teams. The names are then submitted to a committee that consists of friends of Stiles who make the final selection. Committee members include: Bob Bevan, Bill Cleary, Bob Fritz, Sam Gager, Jim Goldschmidt and Bill Rettig. Stiles played the position of offensive guard and linebacker for the Lions during his four years on the school’s football team from 1959-1962. Growing up as a youth he played on the Carmen Palmiero Midget... Read more →

Memories from the Past: Mansion House Year Unknown

The Mansion House on the right at the intersection of Jersey Avenue, King and Water Streets, Gloucester City. The exact year is unknown. What is known the second floor and third floor of the building was destroyed in a fire in the 1950's early 1960's. Many years ago the upstairs was used as a rooming house. Today the property is being renovated. And has a new name, Heavy's on the Harbor To view more historical photos visit the Gloucester City Historical Museum at 28 N. King Street. The museum is open on Thursday evening from 5 to 8:30pm, Saturday from 11am-2pm, and by request if needed. Call 856-456-3487 to schedule an appointment. The Gloucester City Historical Museum will hold an Open House on Sunday, December 14th. ClearysNoteBook ClearysNoteBook Memories from The Past: King Movie Circa 1960'sMEMORIES : Rock Hall Maryland MEMORIES : Rock Hall Maryland > MEMORIES Rock Hall... Read more →

Good friends are like stars.... You don't always see them, but you know they are always there.

WHEN EAST MEETS WEST I received the following from dear a friend who thought of me as a keeper too. Hank F. Miller Jr. Kitakyushu ,City, Japan Their marriage was good, their dreams focused. Their best friends lived barely a wave away. I can see them now, Dad in trousers, tee shirt and a hat and Mom in a house dress; lawn mower in his hand, and dish-towel in hers. It was the time for fixing things. A curtain rod, the kitchen radio, screen door, the oven door, the hem in a dress. Things we keep. It was a way of life, and sometimes it made me crazy. All that re-fixing, eating, renewing, I wanted just once to be wasteful. Waste meant affluence. Throwing things away meant you knew there'd always be more. But then my mother died, and on that clear summer's night, in the warmth of the hospital... Read more →

Amazing Locked-Antlered Bucks Harvested When it comes to unique deer hunts this really is one of those once in a lifetime deer hunting stories. In fact, it is downright amazing! A of a reader of tipped me off to this story, which is making its way into hunting forums around the country — and for good reason. The harvested buck was a good animal, but so was the head of the dead buck he was carrying around on its head! That’s right, apparently the bucks got into a scuffle and the better buck won — but he also ended up carrying around the dead buck because they had locked antlers. It’s wild, check out the story: click link above PHOTO OF THREE BUCKS FROM GOOGLE IMAGES Read more →

Gloucester City Holiday Parade/video

Gloucester City Christmas Parade/video In years past the parade traveled the lenght of Broadway. This year it started at King and Powell Streets and headed out through the inner streets of the City. In the video a light snow/sleet falls as the parade (two fire engines, a police scooter, several corvettes, a truck with children and Santa Claus) heads north on Lane Avenue towards Thompson. The caravan ended at the Mary Ethel Costello School were a large crowd of children and adults waited for Santa's arrival. At the school there was a Christmas Tree Decorating Contest, photos with Santa, a Ginger bread House Contest, cookie contest, gift and craft vendors, and carolers. Read more →

New Jersey Guard Celebrates Alliance With Albania

Special to American Forces Press Service LAWRENCEVILLE, N.J., Dec. 5, 2008 - The New Jersey National Guard is celebrating the 15th anniversary of its alliance with the republic of Albania through the State Partnership Program. The State Partnership Program, launched by the National Guard Bureau and the U.S. State Department in the 1990s, was started to foster alliances between U.S. states and former Soviet countries, officials said. Soldiers and airmen with the New Jersey National Guard have worked with their counterparts in Albania since 1993 to modernize the former communist nation's defense forces and prepare it for membership in NATO. Albania is scheduled to join the 26-nation alliance in April. Albanian Defense Minister Gazmend Oketa said New Jersey provided critical assistance to help it reach its long-standing goal of NATO membership. "The Albanian armed forces are proud of our achievements, and we are proud to say we were not alone,"... Read more →

Great Photo: A Smoky Whitetail Caught in the Rain

Gary Devine forwarded this great wildlife photo of a whitetail deer shaky off the rain. The photo was taken by his cousin, Brian Bower, of Pitman, who is a professional wildlife photographer. His present assignment has taken him to the Great Smoky Mountains in Tennessee where this photo was recently shot. Bower and Devine are former residents of Gloucester City. From the Smoky Mountain website.....Ridge upon ridge of forest straddles the border between North Carolina and Tennessee in Great Smoky National Park. World renowned for its diversity of plant and animal life, the beauty of its ancient mountains, and the quality of its remnants of Southern Appalachia mountain culture, this is America's most visited national park. To read more Great Smoky Mountains Read more →

Brooklawn Supper with Santa tonight at 6 PM

SUPPER WITH SANTA Friday, December 5th 6:00 – 7:30 Brooklawn Fire Hall $5.00 admission $3.00 for a Polaroid picture with Santa ALL proceeds will go to help the 4 year old Grandson of a long time, Brooklawn Fire Co. member. He was recently diagnosed with Ana plastic Medulloblastoma, a form of childhood brain cancer. Please come out for a fun night and help support this family during the Holiday season. Read more →

WHEN EAST MEETS WEST: Lucas and Raeanna Wed

Hi Bill Hank Here ! My wife Keiko and I have just returned from our son Lucas wedding in Guam. Lucas our son married a local girl from Guam in a civil ceremony on November 22nd.He was married by the Lt. Governor Mike Cruz. Lucas' new wife's name is Raeanna. We were there for a 5 day visit and had a very nice visit with Raeanna and her family on the Island it certainly is a beautiful place. Lucas & Raeanna will be married in religious ceremony Catholic church in Honolulu,Hawaii.The wedding will take place next year after he returns from Iraq from his second deployment.Presently they're residing off base in Honolulu, Hawaii. We've been so busy recently,our son Max and our daughter Rachel, are returning home for the holidays on December 14th. And we're really looking forward to it. Our son Max was discharged from the U.S. Marine Corps,... Read more →

Mount Ephraim Will Help Needy This Holiday Season

The residents, organizations and churches in Mount Ephraim have historically been very generous during the holiday season. Hopefully the generosity continues this year, considering the economic uncertainty and hardships many people are facing. In years past, the Mount Ephraim School District has been contacted by various agencies and private citizens who would like to help local families during the holidays. “This is a daunting task that the district has always embraced, and we have been able to facilitate many ‘happy holidays’ for our school children as well as other town residents,” school officials said. The district is very careful to respect each person’s dignity that we have helped. However, with recent changes in privacy protocol, helping people in need has become increasingly harder. For information on how to become involved in helping local residents this holiday season, please call Bernice Alibrando at 856-931-4134, ext. 2. Read more →

Gloucester City: Marina Building on Fire

21:35 hrs Gloucester City King St and Jersey Ave at the Marina Park Security called in a fire at the marina building/bathrooms, Battalion Chief Williams 504 reported heavy smoke from the building and placed all hands in service, no injuries reported and the fire was brought under control quickly. Firefighters from Gloucester City,Collingswood, Audubon,Mt Ephraim and Bellm awr operated on scene with BLS provided by UMDNJ EMS Camden. The Camden County Fire Marshal is investigating. Steve Skipton Photos Related articles by Zemanta Camden City NJ-Two Alarm Fire, Family Left Homeless Woodlynne NJ-Fatal Motor Vehicle Accident West Collingswood Hts: Fire at Grease Monkey, no injuries reported Tips and Snippets: Did a 911 Dispatcher send a Rescue Crew to the wrong address? Read more →

Gloucester City: St. Mary's Honor Roll

HONOR ROLL Pastor’s List - All A+ Michael Leonchuck Principal’s List – A+ and A Rebecca Leonchuck, Alexa Long, Sean Walton, Tyler Berglund, Macey Cropski, Jack Driscoll, Cassie Francis, Brendan Kain, Nicholas Lessing, Shawn Ryan, Steele Rose Stokley, Connor Kain, Annie Pegues, Patrick Rafferty, Cara McHenry, Amy Pinardo, Jeffrey Trowbridge Honors – A and B Jete’Flinn, Allison Gentile, Christopher Kain, Madison McKenney, Francesca Pollander, Thomas Pusey, Sean Similia, Madison Cianci, Barry Hemphill, Jack Kain, Shannon McQuaid, Tara Muprhy, Bianca Orlina, Patrick Ryder, Kathleen Bohrer, Bridget Bonner, Casey Bonner, James Glassman, Emily Gruff, Steven Jackson, Kevin Kain, Paige Kelly, Miguel Orlina, Jonathan Theckston, Darby Thomson, Olivia DeLaney, Philip Dickinson, Taylor Gentile, Maggie Heinsman, Michelle McCarthy, Connor McClintock, Danielle Rachubinski, Jamie Ryan, Angela Saunders, William Similia, Kathryn Suttle, Kelly Ann Turner, and Colin Ward Read more →

NJ Hunters Permitted to Take Feral Hogs During Deer Season in Zone 25

NJDEP Division of Fish & Wildlife Hunters Permitted to Take Feral Hogs During Deer Season in Zone 25 December 3, 2008 The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s Division of Fish and Wildlife has issued a Special Wildlife Management Permit to control feral hogs in Deer Management Zone 25. Feral hogs compete with wildlife for available food sources, prey upon ground-nesting birds and small mammals and may carry disease. For these reasons, feral hogs are classified as a potentially dangerous exotic animal. The increase in the population of feral hogs has also resulted in damage to lawns, golf courses, farm crops and forests in Gloucester County. Feral hogs may be pursued during the season dates prescribed for Deer Management Zone 25 and may be harvested anywhere in Zone 25. Sportsmen and sportswomen will be permitted to shoot free-ranging feral hogs of either sex and any age while deer hunting during... Read more →

Gloucester City NJ: What is the UEZ?/VIDEO

The UEZ in Gloucester City NJ Howard Clark, director of the Gloucester City Urban Enterprize Zone (UEZ) explains the program as it relates to the City of Gloucester City. For your business needs --856.456.6075 or via email at [email protected] BuyLocal/UEZ FILM Related articles by Zemanta St. Mary's Parish Irish Concert; Tickets On Sale Gloucester City's Clean-Up Day A Huge Success ClearysNoteBook: A Gloucester City Christmas Organization Form Read more →

Anyone Missing a Gloucester High 1951 Class Ring?

I'm a freshman in high school in Pennsylvania and my mother was born and raised in South Jersey. Years ago she bought a class ring at a yard sale. She ended up giving it to me and I have been wearing it ever since. It is gold and has a red stone set in. The outside of the ring reads Gloucester City High School 1951. Inscribed inside the ring are the initials M.J. in script and next to that is V.F. which I assume would stand for Varsity Football. I have been wondering for some time now who this person might be and anything about them. I very much enjoy writing and this class ring seems have a story within. If anyone has any information on this person that they are willing to share please contact me: [email protected] Thank you, Misty Hill Related articles by Zemanta Gov Corzine Video... Read more →


Media release CURWENSVILLE, Clearfield County – Pennsylvania Game Commission officials, on Nov. 29, proudly released a rehabilitated bald eagle back into the wilds at the Curwensville Dam, Clearfield County, as many of the individuals responsible for this majestic birds recovery looked on. On Nov. 6, the sick, five-year-old female bald eagle, weighing 12 pounds, was discovered by Alan Bowser, of Clearfield, in a field close to his residence near Hyde, Clearfield County. Bowser contacted the Game Commission to report a sick or injured bald eagle. Robyn Graboski, owner of Centre Wildlife Care Facility, indicated that the eagle was possibly suffering from secondary lead poisoning. She informed Game Commission officials that, unless lead poisoning is detected early enough in these birds, they will often times die. She immediately began treating the eagle for the suspected lead poisoning. It only took days for the eagle to fully recover. The eagle was released... Read more →

Local hunter gets rare kill§ion=News First, Don Ackerman, Jamestown, was lucky enough to have his name drawn from the 10,425 applicants for one of the five bighorn sheep licenses available through a drawing in North Dakota. And second, Ackerman, who successfully filled his tag, did so at the age of 86 and became the oldest hunter in North Dakota to bag a bighorn sheep. Read more →


Bill’s Point of View: JEERS-To former NJ Senator Wayne Bryant. The fact that he along with more than 130 lawmakers in New Jersey have been indicted and found guilty of robbing the taxpayers, this has to be some kind of record for fraud. CHEERS-To the neighbors and friends of Evan Goldglantz, of Gloucester City, who helped him in his time of need. Evan was burned over 90 percent of his body in an accident that occurred at his home on Division Street. He is being treated at the Crozier-Chester Medical Center, One Medical Center Blvd., Upland PA 19103. JEERS-What is it with people in Gloucester City who use the public trash cans on Broadway for their personal garbage? A Broadway resident writes, “It's bad enough I pick up litter every day in front of our property, and then there is no room to put it the trash can because someone... Read more →

Brooklawn: New Broadway & Circle to be Improved

By Sara Martino NEWS Correspondent Mayor John Soubasis is still determined to preserve the quality of good living in Brooklawn Borough. “This is an exciting time for the Borough,” he said during last week’s Council meeting. “We felt the need for the office of Captain in the Police Department as an issue of public safety,” said the mayor prior to the swearing-in ceremony of Steven Saymon. Councilwoman Theresa Branella administered the oath of office to Saymon, with his wife holding the Bible for him. He was designated as Police Captain at a previous ceremony also, so his son could take part before being deployed as part of his military duties. “We will re-establish and set some new goals regarding the residents’ needs,” Soubasis said. “Goals include curb appeal throughout the borough, safety and education, without which we cannot go forward, and reaching out to businesses,” the mayor said. “Code enforcement... Read more →

Gloucester City: The Needy Children’s Christmas Fund Needs Your Support

THE NEEDY CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS FUND CORPORATION P.O. BOX 87 GLOUCESTER CITY, NJ 08030 Dear Friend of Our Needy Children: The Needy Children's Christmas Fund is a non-profit corporation inspired by the late Monsignor Edward B. Lucitt (photo)and founded by a group of people who wished to continue Monsignor's effort to provide clothes and shoes for children in need in both public and parochial schools in Gloucester City. Since its initial inception, many, many people have graciously contributed their time and money to The Needy Children Corporation. We are truly grateful for the generosity of all those people who, like you, have been so gracious in contributing to this fund to provi de countless youngsters needed warm winter clothes. We hope to be able to continue this good work and solicit your support in this effort. Any contribution will be sincerely appreciated. Checks may be made payable to, "The Needy Children's... Read more →

Santa Coming to Brooklawn for Supper Dec. 5th

Supper with Santa, December 5th from 6:00 – 7:30 PM at the Brooklawn Fire Hall. Parents bring your cameras for a photo of your child with Santa! ALL CHILDREN RECEIVE A HOT DOG, CHIPS, DRINK, CUPCAKE, CANDY AND A GIFT! $5 ADMISSION PER CHILD. Sponsored by the Brooklawn Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary. FOR MORE INFORMATION, [email protected] Read more →

Gloucester City School Board Caucus December 4

By Linda Boker-Angelo NEWS Correspondent The Gloucester City Board of Education last week was pleased to hear comments by students from each of the schools. Third grader Nathaniel Kidd, 7, represented Cold Springs School. Kidd stated that he enjoyed participating in the Gifted and Talented program and very eloquently described some of the upcoming activities planned at his school. Kelly Higginbothham, a sixth grade student at Mary Ethel, spoke about the programs at MEC. She has perfect attendance, is an Honor student, and was described by Principal Ken Wagstaff as “an all-around great kid.” Kyle Stewart, a senior at Gloucester City High, outlined a few of the fall activities taking place at the high school. Stewart belongs to the Leo Club, Ceramics Club, Honor Society and plays on both the football and baseball teams. Another senior, Mark Foster, spoke on behalf of the Highland Park Program for Success. He has... Read more →


Private Funeral Services were held for Elizabeth A. Domeracki-Pellicciotti, 48, of Bellmawr, who died November 16, 2008. Beloved mother of John Cocco and Priscillia Pellicciotti. Loving grandmother of Abryana Elizabeth. Dear sister of Carol Foley, Donald Iddenden, Priscilla Mascuilli and Frank Domeracki. Also survived by many nieces, nephews and friends. Interment was private. Read more →

Medic Earns Three Purple Hearts During One Deployment to Iraq

By Samantha L. Quigley American Forces Press Service WASHINGTON, Dec. 1, 2008 – If Army Staff Sgt. Matthew Sims was a cat, he’d have only six lives left after his yearlong deployment to Iraq with the 1st Armored Division’s Company B, 270th Armor Battalion, out of Fort Riley, Kan. Army Staff Sgt. Matthew Sims, a medic who was wounded three times during his last deployment to Iraq, is preparing to deploy again. Courtesy photo “I was wounded three times in Iraq the last time I was there,” Sims said of the deployment that began in January 2005. Sims, a medic, was riding in a tracked ambulance between two M1-A1 Abrams tanks when a roadside bomb detonated. Shrapnel pierced the vehicle and penetrated his flak vest, puncturing his left lung. He was evacuated to the hospital in Balad. He spent about three weeks recovering before returning to his unit, but it... Read more →

The Buck of A Lifetime

Dr. Jim Doster, of Gloucester City, took a 10 point whitetail deer on the opening day of black powder season here in NJ (Monday, December 1). Dr. Doster, pastor of the Lighthouse Baptist Church, gave the following account of his successful hunt. "The Lord blessed me with , "The Buck of A Lifetime" on Monday. He came out of the brush at 3:15 PM and offered a clear shot at 20 yards. He is a 10 point with a 24" spread. Several guys told me that he will score at least 125 which will put that deer in the NJ State record books - we'll wait and see. All I know is that he is the biggest deer I've ever seen in my 40 years of hunting." If you have a photo to share with your fellow hunters send it along with a the information to [email protected] It will be... Read more →

Eileen May Miller, age 52, of Gloucester City

MILLER Eileen May Suddenly, On December 1, 2008. (nee Burns) Age 52. Of Gloucester City. Loving wife of 31 years to George E. Miller, Sr. Devoted mother of George Miller, Jr. (Nicole), Mike Miller (Christine), Shawn Miller (Erin) and Melissa Adamski (Edward). Cherished grandmother of Angelina, Zachary, Eddie and Hayley. Dear Sister of George Burns, III (Debbie) and Ronnie Bussian (Edward). Survived by many nieces, nephews and cousins. Survived by her best friend Nancy Panara. Eileen was a loving mother and grandmother who devoted her life to her children and grandchildren. This was evident with the many awards she was presented from the Gloucester City Mustangs Jr. Football Association and Gloucester City Mustangs Jr. Cheerleaders Association. Relatives and friends are kindly invited to attend her viewing on Friday Evening from 7 to 9 pm and Saturday morning from 9 am to 10:15 am at the McCANN-HEALEY FUNERAL HOME: 851 Monmouth... Read more →

Today's Smile

The intensity of the dog's face shows more sincerity than most people 'Dear Lord: Thank you for bringing me to Timmy's house and not to Michael Vick's -- AMEN!' submitted by Bill John Sr. Read more →

NJ paramedics bring fire victim 'back from the dead' Jersey Journal (New Jersey) JERSEY CITY, NJ — Jersey City firefighters fought through thick black smoke to rescue a woman from a burning building yesterday evening, and then emergency medical workers "brought her back from the dead," fire officials said. The woman, who was found unconscious and in the fetal position Read more →

Gloucester City Headlines for December 4th issue

*County Dispatch Sends EMTs To Camden, Not Gloucester City; Victim Was Severely Burned *Westville Swears In John Massing As Police Officer *Lions Ian Harter And Rams Brian Knell Receive Joseph Stiles Memorial Award Before Thanksgiving Classic *Rams Defeat Lions In Thanksgiving Classic *A Gloucester City Christmas Saturday Night, December 6 *Children Can Continue To Write Letters To Santa Read more →

Gloucester City Planning Board Ok's Building Improvements

By Linda Boker-Angelo NEWS Correspondent During a brief meeting last week, the Gloucester City Planning Board approved five applications for building improvements which were submitted to the Historic Commission. A property owner in the 200 block of Third Street was given permission to replace windows and paint. Board members then approved emergency roof replacements at both Heavy’s on the Harbor, 200 Jersey Ave.; and Heim’s Foods, 216 Powell St. Homeowners on the 100 block of Middlesex Street were also given the nod to build a shed in their backyard, while property owners in the unit block of North King Street will now be able to replace their home’s siding and molding, and install a new soffit. The next meeting is at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, December 17, in City Hall.Related articles by Zemanta Mount Ephraim 14th Annual Christmas Parade of Lights Looking for a Job in Pennsylvania? Read more →

GHS Powder Puff Game: Juniors Upset Seniors

November 26, 2008 Gloucester City High School Junior girls upset the highly ranked Senior girls 21 - 14 behind the winning touchdown by Ashley Zuccarra. photos by Bruce Darrow................................ GHS Powder Puff Game 2008 GHS Powder Puff Game 2007 Related articles by Zemanta Gloucester Catholic v. Gloucester High ~ 1 Read more →

Baby Skylar Brooke Rodgers, of Mt. Ephraim

RODGERS Baby Skylar Brooke On November 28, 2008. Beloved and Cherished daughter of Michael T. Rodgers and Ashley Lynn McAleer of Mt. Ephraim. Beloved Granddaughter of Patricia McAleer, Cathy Darrell and Edward Rodgers. Loving Great-Granddaughter of Alma Warner. Loving Niece of Kyle Kapp, Nicole Blaylock, Walter Smith and Sarah Darrell. Relatives and friends are kindly invited to funeral services on Wednesday, December 3, 2008 at 11 A.M. at New St. Mary’s Cemetery, Bellmawr. There will be no services at the funeral home. Expressions of sympathy can be e-mailed to the family through our funeral home website www.mccannhealey .com under online obituaries of Baby Skylar Brooke Rodgers. Funeral Arrangements and Inquiries may be made through: McCANN-HEALEY FUNERAL HOME: 851 Monmouth Street, Gloucester City, NJ 08030. Phone: 856-456-1142. Read more →

Vandals continue to destroy Angels Playground, Plans for Chathman Square Announced, Update on WaWa; Sports Arena in Bellmawr?

Tips and Snippets by Bill: GLOUCESTER CITY-Once again we have to report that Angels Playground, Middlesex and Burlington Streets has been destroyed by vandals. The vandalism of the park was first reported in July 2007, six months after it was built. Photos taken today, Monday, December 1, show graffitti written on every piece of park equipment. The sign, Angels Playground, is damaged on both sides. Brad Jeffries, in his July 31st, 2007 Letter to the Editor complained about the individuals who were destroying the playground. He wrote, The problem with the new playground is the other kids who use it. I am talking about the teenagers that come after the sun goes down and are there until all hours of the night.I could live with the noise, but the language used and the mess they leave behind are a disgrace. Katia Williamson, 28, the mother of the girls who died... Read more →

Sectional finals have one-sided look

Philadelphia Inquirer | 11/30/2008. The high school football season ends this coming weekend, and one question bears asking: Will the public school sectional finals be competitive? It's a question the underdogs love to hear for bulletin-board fodder and the favorites will try to ignore. Read more →

Memories from The Past: King Movie Circa 1960's

Photo from the Gloucester City Historical Society Museum The movie theater was located at the corner of King and Somerset Streets near the Delaware River. It closed sometime in the 1970's. The structure of the building was in good shape but the roof leaked and damaged the insides. The building was obtained by the City and in the 1980's it was demolished to make room for the development of the City's riverfront. Today the property is being used for a parking lot. The museum is open on Thursday evening from 5 to 8:30pm, Saturday from 11am-2pm, and by request if needed. To schedule an appointment call 856-456-3487. The Society is sponsoring an Open House on Sunday, December 14th.Related articles by Zemanta Gloucester City's Clean-Up Day A Huge Success Guest Opinion: GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR THE CITY St. Mary's Parish Irish Concert; Tickets On Sale Read more →

St. Mary's Parish Irish Concert; Tickets On Sale

St. Maryʼs Parish in Gloucester City, New Jersey is celebrating its 160th Anniversary. The celebration will include an IRISH CONCERT to be held on Friday, December 5th at 7 p.m. at Gloucester Catholic High School Gym,located in Gloucester City, (entrance on Cumberland Street only). This concert will feature Internationally renowned Singer** JOHN MacNALLY** with support entertainment from the Lynn School of Irish Dancing and an Irish Sing-a-long. Tickets will cost $20.00 in advance; $25.00 at the door, $10.00 for children under 14. For more information, please call 856-456-0052 between 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. or email us at [email protected]. Related articles by Zemanta Rams Alumni in the News: David Bakey Wins 104.5 Contest Gloucester Catholic & St. Mary's Cross Country News Gloucester City Resident Deployed with NCCC 1950 MEMORIES: Gloucester Catholic High School Football Team Read more →

News is good, and not-so-good, for NJ businesses

-- TRENTON, N.J. - With the withering economy putting the squeeze on New Jersey businesses, Gov. Jon S. Corzine has been pushing legislation that reward companies for calling the Garden State home. But, a few well-intentioned proposals may not change the state's long-held, antibusiness reputation. Read more →