NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Garden State Deer Classic
Earle R. Nazar, Accomplished Artist, WW II Army Veteran, Bronze Star Recipient

Tips/Snippets: Methadone clinic Moves a step-closer to Gloucester City

The proposed Methadone Clinic to be built near the border of Gloucester City and Camden City has moved a step-closer to becoming a reality. Mayor Bill James and City Council have spoken out against the clinic for the past two years. Notebook_and_pen They are worried about the 600 drug addicts that will be treated daily at the Clinic spilling over into the community.

At a meeting in August Gloucester City Councilman Nick Marchese told the  South Jersey Board of Directors.

"We spend millions to revitalize our downtown and riverfront then you want to flood the area with drug addicts," Marchese said. "This will kill Gloucester City. We'd like you and the state to look at alternate sites."

It appears his plea fell on death ears. 

The Courier Post reported on Tuesday, The eight-member board unanimously authorized its Executive Director Joseph Balzano to begin negotiations with Parkside Recovery, a methadone clinic that has operated in the shadow of Cooper Hospital for approximately 30 years. Moving the clinic a mere 18 blocks South on the same street to the Broadway marine terminal has been hotly debated for six years.

Related stories on Methadone Clinic

Methadone Clinic at South Jersey Port
