Tips/Snippets: Methadone clinic Moves a step-closer to Gloucester City
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
"We spend millions to revitalize our downtown and riverfront then
you want to flood the area with drug addicts," Marchese said. "This
will kill Gloucester City. We'd like you and the state to look at alternate
sites." It appears his plea fell on death ears.
The proposed Methadone Clinic to be built near the border of Gloucester City and Camden City has moved a step-closer to becoming a reality. Mayor Bill James and City Council have spoken out against the clinic for the past two years.
They are worried about the 600 drug addicts that will be treated daily at the Clinic spilling over into the community.
At a meeting in August Gloucester City Councilman Nick Marchese told the South Jersey Board of Directors.
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