Letters:The security of our ports compromised by methadone or politics?
Thursday, December 11, 2008
The South Jersey Port Corporation has in its infinite wisdom decided
that the Department of Homeland Security, The US Government TSA, The United States Coast guard and multiple other federal, county and state security and law enforcement groups don’t have the right to protect American Citizens.
The SJPC recently authorized the negotiation of sale or lease of a property for use as a methadone clinic in the City of Camden to replace an existing facility. The problem here is not that this facility needs to be replaced but the new chosen location.
That location is 150 ft from the entrance to a secure port. This port is on a water way that is under the guidance and protection of the agencies listed above. Workers, visitors and any others are required to either be escorted by guards or process a Federal TWIC (Transportation Workers Identity Card) Badge that is obtained only after a full criminal background check.
At issue here is the fact that not only aren’t the guards at this port not armed, as the rest of most transportation security workers but that the clients of this new drug treatment facility are known to carry weapons as stated by the director of this facility in and interview with the Courier Post newspaper on Dec 10th, 2008
Now this raises the question of the eminent danger to port workers the drivers of vehicles waiting to enter and to all of those involved with the security of this port. It further raises the question as to who on the Camden City Government, SJPC or the administrations of any groups have checked with the Department of Homeland Security, the TSA or the USCG who have the responsibility for MARSEC levels and security of these facilities.
It amazes me that 5 local politicians can for the benefit of a powerfully connected hospital move an unwanted methadone clinic from near a medical treatment facility to a location 1 ½ miles from medical help and place it right in the mouth of a vibrant port.
The United States Government placed added security on ports and entrances of call in this country after 911 and after a bid by foreign nationals to buy control of our ports. Now we will gladly hand over the main entrance to this facility to over 600 hundred ex felons, drug users and admitted gun carrying criminal element that conjoins it?
I ask where is our security. I for one don’t know that one or more of these people aren’t the next domestic terrorist do you?
Joseph Murphy Concerned Citizen of the Gloucester City Area.
Cc; Michael Chertkoff Department of Homeland Security
Coast Guard Commander Port of Philadelphia
Congressman Robert Andrews
Governor John Corzine
Senator Frank Lautenberg
President Elect Barack Obama
President George Bush
Governor Ed Rendell
Courier Post, NY Times, Phila. Media Pool.