Gloucester City Not Very Friendly to Rental Property Owners
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Is Gloucester City Housing {GCH} picking on all businesses in the city or are they just targeting rental property owners? As a property owner on Market Street it never ceases to amaze me the tricks GCH keeps pulling out of their little bag of tricks. First they raise registration from $50 to $150. per unit. This justifies them having an agent to inspect every rental unit in the city.
As a tenant, or even a homeowner, I'm not to keen on having a stranger come into my place and snoop around. Do I have something to hide??? Nope. I do my best to keep up to code and keep my tenants comfortable.If the tenant has a problem they let me know. If I fail to resolve the issue, then Housing should be contacted.
I'm really surprised and disappointed that no other landlord has spoken up. I know...assume position and take it like a man. What is the registration going to be next year.....$500. per????
It seems the local politicians have no checks and balances.
If Gloucester City wants to get rid of all the rental units , start with mine. Make me a fair offer and its yours.
Paul Juray