NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

On The Waterfront, Mafia Style
Regular Monthly Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council of Gloucester City

Caucus Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council of Gloucester City

Thursday, December 18, 2008 7:00 P.M.

313 Monmouth Street


1. Call to Order:

2. Pledge of Allegiance:

3. Roll Call:

4. Sunshine Law: This meeting is being held in conformance with the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act, otherwise known as the “Sunshine Law”. It has been legally noticed in accordance with the law and copies have been given to those requesting the same.

5. Public Comment Period: The Governing Body, in accordance with P.L. 2002, c. 80, have adopted the following guidelines relative to the Public Comment Period (PCP) at Caucus, Worksession, Special and Emergency Meetings of the Mayor and Common Council of Gloucester City: The PCP shall occur at the beginning of each meeting; it shall be no longer than one half-hour in length; every person wishing to speak may do so once during the period for no longer than five minutes. No changes have been made for the PCP of the regular monthly meetings.

6. Minutes of the Previous Meeting(s): November 20th and December 1st (pending)

7. Reports: I. Committees of Council:

a) Celebrations

b) Finance & Administration

c) Fire

d) Housing

e) Licensing

f) Police

g) Public Works

8. Licenses: None

9. Resolutions: None

10. Ordinances: None

11. Old Business:

a) Elected Officials’ Training Seminars

b) Executive Order #3


12. New Business:

a) Proposal from AWSCC/CCAS – Animal Shelter Services - 2009

13. Communications:


14. Round Table:

15. Adjournment
