NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Joan Theresa Myers, of Villas NJ, GCHS Alumni Class of 1959, Home Health Aide
The Best and Worst for the Year 2008

Brooklawn: Abandon Vehicles Are A Nuisance in Neighborhoods


Inoperable vehicles are a nuisance in neighborhoods and on vacant lots. Inoperable vehicles must be stored in a completely enclosed structure.  Please help keep your neighborhood and/or vacant lot clean by removing or properly storing these vehicles.

There are charity organizations and towing companies that will remove vehicles for you. Depending on the company or organization and the condition of the vehicle, it may be a tax deduction!

Reporting information that would help us

Help speed things up.  Can you tell us any, or all, of the following before calling or emailing?

  1. Make and type and color of vehicle
  2. Registration number
  3. How long you are aware it has been there
  4. Location - be as exact as possible e.g. "in front of 301 Christiana Rd." or "Boro lot by the pole barn"
  5. Condition of vehicle - e.g. "all windows broken" or "on bricks"

Click link for more information
