1959: Gloucester Catholic Wins City Series Beat Gloucester 19-0
Friday, November 07, 2008
A series of articles about the history of the Gloucester Catholic vs.
Gloucester High football games was published in a booklet released in 1993
entitled "The Renewal of Friendship”. This great history of the series was put
together my members of the Gloucester High Alumni Association.
I don’t have the entire book. But over the next couple of weeks leading up to
this year’s game on Thanksgiving Day I will post the articles and photo pages
that are in my possession.
Artist drawing on booklet cover by Todd Whitten
Bill Cleary
Rams Win City Series Beat Gloucester 19-0
(click on photo to enlarge)
Gloucester Catholic High won the city football championship by soundly defeating Gloucester High, 19-0, on Thanksgiving morning at Charles Street Stadium, as more than 4000 persons watched.
The victory was the sixth for the Rams in the series which started in 1948. The series is now tied. Gloucester High having won the first five games and again in 1958, and Gloucester Catholic having captured five straight starting in 1953.
By triumphing over the Lions, Gloucester Catholic was able to finish its season with a 5-4 record, fairly good for the tough schedule the Rams play.
On Thanksgiving, the two teams looked evenly matched as far as ability goes, but the Rams seemed to have greater desire, organization and know-how.
They stuck mainly to the ground, picking up 232 yards that way, as senior John Lang, juniors Ed Hlopak and Jim Heverly, sophomore Charley Grieco and freshman Jim Bendyna ran effectively.
In the line, mention must be given to Bob Bender, junior Ram guard, who blocked and tackled with gusto and also intercepted two Gloucester passes. Every other Ram lineman played tremendous ball as well.
The first of Bender's interceptions set the Rams off on a 54 yard march in the second quarter. Hlopak carried the drive by bursting 13 yards off tackle to score carrying a couple of would-be tacklers along. Hlopak added the extra point on a place kick.
Shortly thereafter, Gloucester Catholic journeyed 64 yards for its second score, aided by passes from Hlopak to Lee Dunn and to Henry Parker. *
When the Rams reached the 2 yard line, they noticed that the Gloucester defense, in an 8-3 goal-line formation, was failing to "Eagle"
the ends (or prevent them from going out for a pass), so Hlopak looped a short pass over the line to John Pilkauskas for the touchdown,
making it 13-0. • ;'••...
The Rams did not score again until the final quarter. A 23 yard run on a reverse by Jim Heverly put the ball on the Lion 6. From there,
Jim Bendyna skirted his own left end on a pitchout to make it 19-0. '
To be continued