Mt. Ephraim: Calendar of events for the months of December, January, February and March are as follows:
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
December 11th R.W. Kershaw Holiday Concert
December 12th Interims
December 23rd Early Dismissal
– Holiday Vacation Begins
December 24th – 31st Schools Closed –
Holiday Vacation
January 1st & 2nd Schools
Closed – Holiday Vacation
January 5th Schools
January 19th Schools
Closed – Martin Luther King Day
January 20th PTO Meeting
January 23rd End of 2nd
Marking Period
January 30th Report
Cards Issued
February 12th Jump Rope
for Heart Event
February 13th Schools
Closed – Teacher’s In-service
February 16th Schools
Closed – Presidents’ Day
February 17th PTO Meeting
February 25th & 26th Kindergarten
and PreSchool Registration
February 27th Interims
March 27th End of 3rd Marking Period
Category Mt. Ephraim
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Mount Ephraim Police Department
Mount Ephraim Police Reserves Inc. (MEPRI)
Mount Ephraim Public Schools
Mount Ephraim Celebration Committee
Mount Ephraim War Memorial
Mount Ephraim Rotary